Seems a little sad

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Loving Pet Owner
Aug 29, 2010
San Diego, CA
OK playtime tonight.

Handbag wasn't terrible energetic, but played in his mini-haven with just a couple of popcorns. He just seems a little down and bit unkempt. He's usually quite floofy after a dustbath. He spent about 15 minutes in the bath tonight; yet, his fur looks a bit rough.

These pics were taken after playtime and obviously he was tired, but, still, not his usual adorable tired self.

Nothing new in his cage. He's running in his saucer, eating/drinking normal. Normal poops albeit a bit low in quantity.

Anything I should be looking out for?

He's back in his hidey house tonight which is a little unusual after playtime.

He just seems sad. Not my Handbag. :(



Maybe he just overexerted himself tonight? He's still eating lots of hay, right?

In one picture, it looks like his fur has priming lines and in one picture, it looks like chewed or slipped spots. I am looking at it on my phone though so I can't see detail - only that it's uneven. Also, if his fur isn't strong stand-up fur, those spots which looked slipped to me may be "indentations" from something that touched him or he was sitting up against.

Hopefully he's back to his spunky self tomorrow!
No, he looked like that before we played.

Might be some slipped spots as I do handle him a lot but he certainly doesn't look like his normal self. :(

I picked him up tonight but I got a little teary...and he tried to groom me, which I stopped him from doing. He just seems very sad.

I'll keep an eye on him tonight. Right now, he is not eating, just kind of sitting in his hay.
Maybe he needs a little lovin' from his buddy Muddy. Didn't you say that they had an interest in each other??? Maybe let them sniff noses...

Feel better, Handbag. :flowers7:
Aww hope HB is back to his usual self soon! Do you have vet #'s handy just in case it turns into something?

Hugs to you and HB!
I really don't have much to offer but the basics. Watch food and water intake. See if anything changes in the size or consistancy of his droppings. If he gets a snack, I may skip them for a week just to be on the safe side.
I see you are offering hay which is good fiber in addition to his pellet diet.
Best wishes on your little man and lets hope he perks up soon!
Awww.. little Handbag. Sometimes my chins just have a "down" day. The next day they are back to normal. Hope he is back to his spunky self soon!
When I see one of mine a little off with no other symptoms I find most of the time its a bit of gas, I give them a full dropper of simethicone ( simethicone is basically inert and even if they do not have gas it does not hurt since it stays in the digestive tract) every 3 or 4 hours for a day and they perk back up most of the time.
Yeah, could be gas like Ticklechin said. I know when I have some gas- I am not in the mood for fun and games! LOL
I think Dawn is right. I gave him some gas drops. I'm gonna work from home today and keep an eye on him just in case.

Thanks everyone.
Thanks for asking.

Handbag seems to be about 85% today. He laid low most of the day yesterday eating a bit here and there and not running on his saucer but for a few times. Gave him some more gas drops and he perked up in the evening with eating/drinking but still not moving around too much or wanting any playtime.

This morning he looked like he had a party in his cage last night with everything everywhere so I know he was quite active. I heard him on his saucer as well. Plenty of eating/drinking with lots of poops everywhere.

Gave him some skritches this morning. He seems still a bit standoffish for him but I think he's feeling much better. We'll see how today goes but I think he'll be fine. I'm looking forward to him getting back to his adorable, personable self soon.
Phew!! I haven't had time to post,but I've been praying for both of you.Glad he's getting back to his old self!:)