Secret Santa Wishlist

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
After receiving some requests for this, here is a thread for you to post some things you or your pets would like for Secret Santa. This can help your SS pick out some gifts for you along with the suggestions that were sent with your name. Remember to not be too expensive in your requests! :santa2:
I have many chins but I don't have many chinnie things for me so my SS could even send me something chinnie for me. I won't tell the little furballs - lol.
Since I sent two requests (and have two people to give to, Yay!) I'll list them each in this thread.

My chin is in a cage by himself, but I make any fleece stuff he may need. He's got a wooden house I made him, and 2 fleece tubes, but I've only got 2 shelves in the cage (so there's room for his Saucer) and he'd like some more places to perch/observe. He's got refillable hanging toys, though I'm low(ish) on pieces for them. His favorite chews are pumice and hardwoods. He absolutely LOVED the Chin Thins I got from Kelly in her gift basket last year as well, and he could use a hay box/rack that will fit a Quality Cage.

The kittens like string toys and anything soft or noisy they can crawl into and through. Sparkly pom poms and shiny crinkled balls are favorite toss toys, and they're obsessed with their lazer pointer. A big cardboard box full of tissue paper would probably get rave reviews too. :D They're kittens, after all...
I honestly can't remember exactly what I asked for... But I do know I said they can always use toys and I think one of the sites I listed is no longer selling. So.. just get toys from wherever. Anything with bark is good. They're not a huge fan of pumice, but if it has a little on it, that's fine.
Apple twigs are good too..
Between the 5 girls I have 3 cages, so even just 3 toys is fine.

Any type of perch with bark on it is good. Mulberry, apple, manzanita etc.

Perhaps some lifeline would be good to have on hand

Or I could use one more Edstrom waterbottle.

As far as what not to get, if you see it in my store, chances are my girls already have it lol

But no matter what we get, I'm sure the girls and I will love it! :cute:
I would like something chin related but not necessarily for my chins too - maybe like a drawing or sign or something - paintings are always nice if my SS is crafty :) I have seen some cute chin things on etsy but i already have the chinchillin' tshirt just fyi...Or any wood pieces would be good - my chins tend to prefer apple wood, willow and loofah...they also love shredded wheats so even a box of those would make them happy hahaha
I just fell in love with the wood hay boxes made by! What sold me was this statement, plus it's very cute! :))
These hay boxes are designed to make it difficult for your chin to sit on top of their hay and soil it.
or anything from camphorchins or petproductsbynature ;))
I have a lot of chinchillas who would love anything. I don't have a lot of fleece and would love a tunnel or two, and chew toys are always welcome...with 70 chinchillas I go through a lot of those.
I'm absolutely not a picky person. Anything works. If you're looking for ideas, anything for the chins to chew on or play with would be great. I also have three dogs and cat, so anything for them is great, too. Some hobbies/things I enjoy are: reading, movies, coffee, Christian collectables/nick nacks, homemade things... again, I'm not picky! LOL
I think I already mentioned playtime toys or chew toys for our boys (2 of whatever it is would be greatly appreciated, since they've got their own cages). I'm definitely open to chinnie items for me as well - jewelry, artwork, figurines, etc - I'm not too picky! :))
I am open to pretty much anything too, Chie Chie could use some things like shelves or a new wheel. A gift card would work great. He is a chewing maniac and would love toys!
Dear Secret Santa,

Since there are so many of us, we are always in need of chew toys! We like all kinds of stuffs like wood, pumice, loofah, willow things, anything we can get our wittle paws on and destroy! If you decide to get something for mum, she likes chinchilla stuff, like the chubbichin magnets by Deena or any of Mae's artwork. But whatever you get us for Christmas, we will love and enjoy! Happy Merry Christmas!

The Carr Chinchiladas :chin1:
Dear Santa,
We'd love getting some chewy toys to destroy :) We adore hanging toys and have particular affinity toward shredding willow balls and wreaths. In fact, anything with a bark still on it will make us happy!

If you need a different idea: Larry needs a new hidey house ;)

Yours, well-misbehaved
Dear Secret Santa,

Since my mommy is new to chins and a college student, my cage could use just about anything to spruce it up! I'm interested in a fleece tube to cuddle in and any type of wood chews. OR! Since I currently have use a metal tin as my hay holder, one of those would be great! Thanks so so much!

Gizmo (and Luci)
I'm not exactly sure what to ask for. I can't think of anything I really need. Maybe some sugar glider toys that aren't made of fleece. Or toys for the ferrets. My chins have just about everything they could ever want.
Dear Secret Santa,

Since there are so many of us here, we would love some wood chews or toys that mom could hand out or hang in all our cages. We really like apple and pear sticks so we can carry them around and chew and we love whole rosehips too - yummy! Those cardboard bagels are fun for us too - mom likes to add them to our toys for extra color and we love to shred them!

We've all been very good this year, Santa! No naughty chins here!

The chins of Chinchilla Chateau
Dear Secret Santa(s)

All my chins have ledges and hammocks. They all LOVEEEEEEE chew toys especially apple wood and different types of twigs but don't really like pumice too much. Any sort or toys or goodie boxes for them would be great. I love day beds and haven't been able to get one, but they're pretty expensive so comepletely unnecessary.

Lena and Sambuca's cage has a hammock, tube, a few ledges and two small hanging toys that Lena has chewed her favorite parts off of. Anything going into this cage must be able to handle Lena or be meant to be distroyed in seconds :neener:

Stolie's and KnakKnak's cage has a big hammock, a few ledges and a hidey house. Only one hanging toy is left, but they prefer toys they can grab and run away from each other with.

I've been looking around sites lately and I really love the pine swing ledge and pine palm tree from The tree reminds me of my father, who just passed away in August-he was a parrot head and loved palm trees...

I'm really not picky or doing this for the gifts, so just have fun with it! I'm sure they'll love (and destroy) anything you think of!
Dear Santa,

We love purple and blue, stars, snowflakes and hearts, and everything BUT pumice and cholla for chewing.

We have pretty much everything a chinnie could want, but would love for you to surprise us with whatever you would like to send. ;)


Mr. Whiskers, The Snuggler and Little Two Paws Shakur
Dear Santa,

We've been good lil chinnies this year! :)

Mom got us all sweet Ferret Nation set ups, but we think they could use a bit more sprucing up! She makes our hammocks, but some fleece tubes would be extra nice! We also like chew toys, fun ledges, and toys. :p

We loves all kinds of wood, but our favorites apple, cholla, willow and ESPECIALLY grapevine! We looove bark- Yum! We don't really care much for pumice and mulberry though.

Thanks for surprising us and we know we'll love whatever you send!

Mickey, Mo, Sadie, and Sasha