Seasonal Depression?

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Jan 28, 2009
Mount Carmel, PA
Around this time of year, I always fall into a slump. It's grey, rainy, and you can't do much of anything outside, so I've been thinking it's possible I might have seasonal depression.

I was wondering if anyone had ideas of how to 'combat' this? I normally love to read, but during this time, I'm even loathe to do that, because I like sitting by the window and using natural light, or even going outside and reading in the summer. What makes it even worse, is the few really nice days we've had I (of course) have had to work. :hair:

Any suggestions?
I'm sorry I don't really have any helpful suggestions, but I can tell you that you're not alone in having seasonal depression.

Where my grandmother lives is very gloomy and cold all winter long and she got so down that the doctor put her on a low dose of prozac for those months. And then once Spring comes she eases off of it.

I'm not saying that's what everybody should do but it's just one example anyways.
You could check with your doctor to see if Vitamin D might help you. My vit d bottle suggests taking extra in the winter months for this reason.
I have gotten seasonally depressed in previous years, but have been doing much better the last couple. I think the reason is that I get out more. I have a doberman who is full of energy and I take him for a 3 mile walk when the weather isn't horrible. I live in an area that is always grey and dark and wet this time of year and I really enjoy the warm sun, but if I make the effort to go out anyway, I end up feeling much better. Exercise in general is a good mood uplifter. And like Veronica has said, have your vitamin D checked. My last visit to the doctor showed I was very low in vitamin D and am now on prescription. And if you like to read, wrap up in a blanket outdoors and read for 30 minutes or so. But definitely find a reason to go outdoors, I think that will help the most.
I don't mind going out when it's nice, but here the past few days, it's been rain/sleet and impossible to go out and do anything. Just makes it so... blah.
My husband has very severe SAD. A native Floridian and Portland aren't a good match! He has found enormous relief with taking Citalopram (generic Celexa) during the winter. His doctor did also recommend a SAD lamp, but you have to sit by it for at least an hour during normal daylight hours. Unfortunately, that doesn't work when you're a nurse and don't sit down at all during winter daylight hours.
My mom and one of my friends have seasonal depression, and you sound like you probably do, too. I get pretty mopey when it's grey out too.

When I was complaining about it to my mom a couple of winters back, she told me to get a grow light and grow some plants- and I did, and I can attest that it is really refreshing to have little green things poking out and growing when its so grey outside. She's got a full greenhouse to go around in now- I'm so jealous!

My sister is a florist and works in a greenhouse, and I find when I visit her at work I ALWAYS come out feeling happier and cheerier just from being around the warmth and the flowers...maybe put a visit to a local greenhouse and wander around the tropical section for awhile =)

P.S. I always prefer the natural remedies to the medical if I had to suggest anything, it'd be to try other alternatives before going to pills or anti-depressants!
I don't mind going out when it's nice, but here the past few days, it's been rain/sleet and impossible to go out and do anything. Just makes it so... blah.

this time of year it is impossible to get out everyday, but if you can get out a few times a week, and go for a walk, I think you'll find you don't need medication to get you through the winter. Winter is on it's way out so it will be easier to get out, even though in my area it will rain nearly everyday this spring! I hate this kind of weather, but I have learned to get out more with my kids and it really does help. Put on a raincoat or heavy winter gear and get out for 30 minutes to an hour. And on the days where it is too icky to go out, do something indoors that will get your heartrate up. It's hard to get started, but once you do, you really look forward to getting up and moving, indoors and out.
you might even try going to a doc and getting anti depressants for the winter. but i'm sure there might be better alternatives out there for you.

My sister and her daughter have been going tanning to ease the depression...
Living in Seattle, we have issues with lack of sunlight for...well....much of the year. We all need to take extra vitamin D as a result. I also take a supplement called 5-HTP which helps improve mood and stabilize sleep patterns. The latter has had a considerable improvement on me, as well as a few of my friends who have depression issues as 5-HTP is an amino acid precursor to serotonin. I take 100mg in the mornings and it is cheapest at Costco. Hope it helps.
Thanks Sea. That sounds like it might be good for me, since I get crabby and am tired a lot, too. Lol

Thanks for all the other options, too!
I've suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) for the last few years, and I become very lethargic, down, and could gladly hibernate from around end of October when the clocks go back, until around NOW, when the nights are getting longer and it's not as dark.
I try to go swimming or walk the dogs and get as much exercise as I can.
Every year I say I must buy a light but have never got round to it yet!

It really is horrible.
Living in Seattle, we have issues with lack of sunlight for...well....much of the year. We all need to take extra vitamin D as a result.

Ain't that the truth! I'm just north of you and have to take a vitamin D supplement as well. I'm sure most of the Washington coast needs this!
I spent a lot of this winter in the dumps. However it is now in the high 50's to low 70's during the day, and I've moved to a bigger place with more sunlight. Opening up windows, orange juice, and sunlight help me.

I've been on almost every anti depressant and mood stabilizer out there, and it only made things worse. Things have been much better since I stopped taking them 2.5 years ago.
I keep around something or some activity to force me outside daily, regardless of weather or temps.

Living in Seattle, we have issues with lack of sunlight for...well....much of the year
More like all of the year... except that one 95 degree day where everyone goes up in a puff of smoke. :D Believe it or not you can get a pretty good sunburn on a cloudy day. We had a farm and were always outside, I believe that is the big thing. You have to go out every day. I love going back to see my folks and walking in the morning fog. I was there for two weeks and saw the sun once last time. It didn't touch me, but I did see it!

I'd probably suffer from lack of sun for a different reason in this state if I didn't have Kermit - it gets so freaking hot and nasty here you don't want to sit near your walls. I drag myself out every day to see him and am happier (and seriously nasty sweaty) for it.

I think someone mentioned this earlier, but plants make a huge difference, as well as warm wall colors and full spectrum lighting. :)
Living in Seattle, we have issues with lack of sunlight for...well....much of the year. We all need to take extra vitamin D as a result.

This is good to know since I am moving to the Seattle area at the end of this month from Wisconsin.