
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I've been wanting some tiles for Hercules's cage so I went into a tile store, and told them what I was doing. The lady went in the back and grabbed two 23 inch long tiles that were old samples and gave them to me for free! :thumbsup: So if anyone is looking for tile I'd go in and ask some tile stores around you if they have any old tiles they are tossing out.
I get free "chill" stones from the granite place down the street from me. They always have scrap that is right about the size I need. I'm there so much that they will now cut a piece for me off a larger scrap.

I also visit the carpet store. I use a sample at my front door for people to wipe their feet on and I have also have used them for scratching posts. I also periodically take some 4 inch tubes from them. I use them either for the scratching post or to throw in with the chins. The tubes are a bit small for them to sleep in, but they love to run through them and chew them up.

Yay free!