Scary stuff with my dad.

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
I am so far from my parents, this is really hard for me.
Sunday my mom called to tell me that my dad had a broken vertebrae in his back. He had been experiencing back pain that was really severe. The thing is, they don't know how or why it broke. So then they did some preliminary bloodwork. It came back that he was really anemic and also his white count was low. He has lost 15 pounds since June.
So the doctors are running more bloodwork, and have him scheduled to see a GI specialist tomorrow- which is fast- 3 days from seeing the GP.
It gets worse. My dad has Parkinson's, it has been really well controlled for many years, mostly because he works very hard to retain his muscle and nerve memories intact. The broken back means he must stay very quiet until it heals, so he will lose a lot of ground if it takes the full 8-10 weeks the doctor told him. I also worry about my mom since she has bad arthritis in her whole body and she will be doing a lot more than she is used to doing.
Thanks for letting me share, and if you have any ideas where all of this may point, please let me know. I have already imagined the worst, from colon cancer to pancreatic cancer to leukemia.
I am very sorry, I will pray for your dad, your family and his doctors. Your mom really can't take care of him. It will be brutal hard work. He needs to go to a "nursing home" rehab unit for a month or two until he gets better. Is there any family near them?