Scared ...

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Pumpkin and Leon's Mom
Feb 10, 2012
Hi all, I need some advice fast my girl pumpkin is acting a little weird . She seems to be more tired than usual which I know is cause for concern. She's still very alert and jumps and moves around when I open her cage and for treats but her ears are down and she seems a little more sluggish than usual and shes sleeping but with her eyes open ,which she did the first few days she was with me then that stopped . Should I be concerned or is she just tired today ? She is pooping and peeing normally ,eating and drinking normally . I'm just a concerned chin momma making sure her baby is ok
Sounds like she's just a tiered chinny to me, my girls often sleep eyes open and depending on where and when they sleep will tuck their ears down of back I've seen them do it when they curl up in a corner and are comfy or when they are just very tiered kinda like that 'sad cuz I'm sleepy' look lol
If she is eating drinking pooping normal she's likely just tiered because it's day time and should be sleeping during the day. Some times my girls sleep like that if it's very bright or sunny while they try to sleep. Just keep an eye on her and if at night she's still acting tiered and not playfull i would keep a close eye on her.
Thanks, I just found out my husband gave her treats she wasnt sapossed to have,my mom bought her dandelion drops from the pet store which I found out were actually bad for her and dont feed her anymore but my husband didnt know this and gave her 5 of them !!!!! I just threw them out and told my husband to never ever give her things without talking to me first . I feel so irresponsible, should I get her to the vet now or will she be ok !
No, no vet trip needed. I'm glad you are trying to feed her right. I know how people love to give them treats because they are so darn cute eating them. Glad she's ok
Shes still not herself ,she has energy but she's sleeping more than usual and now she hasn't pooped in over an hour which for her isn't normal.
Sounds like she has gas, you put her tummy up to your ear in a quiet location and listen to her gut noises? You should hear quiet gurgling, not loud snap crackle and pop noises, also feel the belly, does it feel taunt or doughy? If this was my chin I would start it in simethicone right now, one dropper full every 2-3 hours and make a appointment for the vet if things did not improve after 2-3 doses, combined with exercise and belly massages.
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Thanks so much for the advice I actually administered 2 doses of the gas drops last night and this morning she is completely improved ,she finally pooed and is acting much better . Thank you guys