Scared Bonded Male Chins

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Sheldon and Leonard
Oct 14, 2011
I recently bought a bonded pair of male chins, one is Black and other is full Grey. They let me touch them at the 'breeders' but once i got them home I couldn't even get them out of their caring case. I manage to get them to crawl into the cage and its a very large cage, and whenever I walk by to check on them they spazz out and run and fling themselves into the sides of the cage. They cry constantly and will not even let me feed them a treat to get them to come close. I'm very upset with this 'breeder' who said she was part of the MCBA society. They look miserable and so sad.
Please help me. :help:
How old are the chins? Young chins can be spazzie. How long have you had them? Gaining their trust is going to take lots of time and patience. You have to work at it slowly. Simply spending lots of time near the cage talking softly to them will help. Read them a book. :thumbsup: Make sure you speak to them as you approach the cage so you don't startle them. Work up to touching them slowly. Make all movements slow and deliberate. Rest your hand in the cage and let them approach you.

These guys have had their world turned upside down. There are new sounds, smells and activities they are not used to. They are scared and confused. Set up a consistent routine so they learn what to expect and when. Give it some time and they will soon be plastering themselves against the cage to great you.
Give them some time. They need a chance to get used to you. Talk to them softly and put your hand in their cage and let them come to you and sniff you. Don't try to grab them or pet them right away.

They'll get used to you eventually and come around!
Give them time, a lot of time. As Obcsed said, you just turn their world upside down. I know it's hard and you want them to be sweet now (I'm going through the same thing with my new girls). Just talk to them, sit by the cage. I will even sit by the cage and just watch tv from there. If the girls come up to me, great! If not, they know I'm there. Just know that it can take months for them to bond to you. I promise, it will get better with time.
I'm not sure where your cage is at, but I found that just being in the room as often as possible gets them used to you as well as what everyone else has said. When we got Woodrow 2 months ago, his cage is in the living room, I slept on the couch a few nights. They're nocturnal so he got used to me quickly from me being around all the time. Now he jumps out of his cage into my chest, I have to catch him!
We got a new boy not too long ago, Jasper, and for the first time ever he came and actually acknowledged my hand in the cage this morning, it's been almost 2 weeks. And when we got him from the breeder he let me pick him up and cradle him, pet him, everything. When we brought him home, he barked at us every time we opened the cage door. I sit by his cage every night and talk to him for awhile, he's slowly coming around.
I wouldn't necessarily get mad at the breeder or anyone for this. When I got my first two chins they pretty much acted like your two. Just give them time and their space. Pretty much everything right now is new and scary to them.

the first two weeks with my baby chin he refused everything

first month with my rescue he'd hide on wall as close as he could

two months now he only lets me touch him sometimes most days he side steps but he now accept treats and apple stickss

@_@ it takes time

i have my two in the basement i comment lots about the tv shows to them about how horrible or stupid w.e is on the tv
... sometimes they look like theyre listen
as everyone says... give it time.
I took in a chin that was streed to the max. You couldnt even walk near his cage much less open doors without him barking up a storm. Today however he is the most friendlyiest and personale chin i have! You just got to show em love and give em plenty of time.

And young chins... (at least mine) they're always spazzy.. lol
The Chins are 6 months old, I've sat outside the cage, my family is always walking by them as there cage is in the basement near the theatre room. They are chicken. I feel like rename them, Shadow and Chicken-Poo, because the black one is always hiding and the Gray one won't shut-up. They won't even come near my hand. Even if I sit still, and they HATE treats..

I recently found lots of bumps one his ears and what looks like "dandruff" around his head.