Saucer wheel?

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2009
The chances of finding a flying saucer in a pet store are pretty much slim to none. Your best bet in an online store.

In Canada, the only dealer I know of would be Flowertown chinchillas. Here is the link
There is another chinchilla wheel that gets rave reviews from people on here called the Chin Spin, it's almost half the price as well. Not sure if there are Canadian online stores that carry it or if this site ships to Canada (pretty sure they do), but here's where I bought mine:

The 15" are recommended for chins, mine should be arriving in the mail on Thursday :D
I went all over town here and was told by an exotic pet shop owner that he contacted the company that makes them and was told that they wont distribute, so you'll only be able to order one online. I got mine at for cheaper than I could find anywhere else, but I also ordered a large bag of dust and hay cubes so shipping divided ended up being less than if I would have ordered the saucer alone. I've had mine since November of last year and have yet to see my chin run it.
Yeah there aren't any in pet stores around here.
I don't know what stores are in Canada, but I know my local Petsmart has saucers, though, they are plastic, not metal, which I believe is discouraged by members of these forums. I think.
I don't know what stores are in Canada, but I know my local Petsmart has saucers, though, they are plastic, not metal, which I believe is discouraged by members of these forums. I think.

Those saucers do not even compare in functionality and quality unfortunately. The plastic version is flimsy and does not attach to the cage, so chinchillas usually end up toppling it over within a jump or two. And yes, plastic in a chinchilla cage can be chewed, ingested and cause problems so it's not recommended. The metal wheels are a much better option.