satisfied with the bath house

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
Just wondering for those that have the chin bath house......does everyone think that there is enough room for your chin to really romp around and really haveenough room to enjoy the bath and also bathe the way they need to?
If you're talking about the clear plastic one that actually looks like a house, yes. Mochi's smallish. She's approaching 500g. She has plenty of room.

If you're talking about the ones that are chinchilla shaped ceramic, I think those are probably too small unless you lay them on their side. But I've never had one, so I'm not 100% sure.
I use covered kitty litter boxes, that gives them plenty of room to flip, especially my big ones.
I use a small wire cage for a bath house and put all the chins that share a cage together in it at once. I cover 3 sides and the top with a towel to keep the dust down. I was sick with a cold recently and used the plastic bath house so that I did not have to handle the chinchillas any more than was necessary. Most of my chinchillas would not go in it. I guess that they are spoiled and now need the room a master bath provides.

I agree that the ceramic houses are too small for most chins.
I use the plastic bath house and my chins have plenty of room (as long as they go in one at a time :p).
Both my boys have enough room, but as stated before only if they go in alone :) My boys used to both go in, then bark at one another to get out. Finally I bought another one, so boozer knows his bath is on the top level of my FN and Puffy's is on the bottom. They absolutely LOVE their bath houses.
I use the plastic house for both my chins. It's perfect for my male chin because he's not the best at rolling so the circular sides help him fully roll over. My female goes to town in it! Plus the entry hole allows me to use the bath house as a way to catch them and get them back into their cage. I leave the house out, once they jump in, I cover the entrance with my hand and tada!
i used to do the same thing with my boys in their other bather that the top kept popping off! Lol!! Thank you guys for the responses!