I'm actually starting to run near the end of my blue cloud (i think it was) dust. And i was wondering a few things.
Can dust go bad or expire over time? (almost seems silly to say that) Before i found the blue cloud, i had the Kaytee dust that came with, when i took my guy in. Its been sitting in its container sealed for a few years. (at least 1 or 2+) Its been so long I'm not even sure if its usable.
Also are their any dangers from switching suddenly to that (if its usable)? I know i switched from kaytee to blue cloud with no issues, but that was fresh sand.
Not that i really want to switch to kaytee or anything, but i hate to see it up their going to waste. Theirs three jars of it, so its a decent amount. Was considering using them once my blue cloud ran out. Then when kaytee is gone; go back to blue cloud permanently. (They've been on blue cloud steadily for 1year+)
Can dust go bad or expire over time? (almost seems silly to say that) Before i found the blue cloud, i had the Kaytee dust that came with, when i took my guy in. Its been sitting in its container sealed for a few years. (at least 1 or 2+) Its been so long I'm not even sure if its usable.
Also are their any dangers from switching suddenly to that (if its usable)? I know i switched from kaytee to blue cloud with no issues, but that was fresh sand.
Not that i really want to switch to kaytee or anything, but i hate to see it up their going to waste. Theirs three jars of it, so its a decent amount. Was considering using them once my blue cloud ran out. Then when kaytee is gone; go back to blue cloud permanently. (They've been on blue cloud steadily for 1year+)