I heart Leonard
I've said this before, but honestly it can never be said enough, I want to thank all my forum friends for your kindness and support during my difficult time. Many of you I speak to on a daily basis, others every once in awhile, and sometimes people PM me instead of speaking to me publicly or through chat. I can't thank you all ENOUGH! Many of you listen to me talk about Lisa and are supportive and loving to me through this incredibly difficult time. Sometimes you let me talk on and on about it, sometimes you let me say hardly anything. Some of you tell me your troubles which allows me to focus on other things, which to some might seem insensitive but to me is so welcome. All of you have said so many nice things about my sister Lisa, about what a fighter she is or how beautiful she is, and this means the world to me. Many of you expressed how you can't imagine what I'm going through and I can honestly say I hope NONE of you ever know this pain. Some of you have shared stories of your own having lost a loved one to cancer and it touches me because I know you know exactly how I feel and what I'm going through, thank you for sharing such personal stories with me.
I feel blessed to have such a loving and wonderful family. My sisters are my best friends. But I'm also so very blessed to have found so many friends here on the forum. It touches me to have your love and support and it touches me to see so many people care about and pray for my beautiful sister Lisa. If ever you feel a moment in your life when you have not done enough I am here to tell you, you have--you have helped me more than you will ever know.
Blessings of love to all of you!
I feel blessed to have such a loving and wonderful family. My sisters are my best friends. But I'm also so very blessed to have found so many friends here on the forum. It touches me to have your love and support and it touches me to see so many people care about and pray for my beautiful sister Lisa. If ever you feel a moment in your life when you have not done enough I am here to tell you, you have--you have helped me more than you will ever know.
Blessings of love to all of you!