Safe, yet afforadable chinchilla supplies?

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Mar 17, 2011
I would really like to get a new/better chinchilla supply resource.
Here in Minnesota, (atleast where I live), there aren't many places here that sell safe supplies..
Wal-mart has big things of Cedar and Pine bedding, (I don't like that stuff... it reeks when you open the bag!!!) but very little packages of Carefresh. Not to mention, the Carefresh isn't the cheapest.... :\
And dust bath here is $10 for 2lbs!!! It doesn't last long when you have to bathe 3 chinchillas. lol

Enough being a negative Nelly, any suggestions on a new CSR(Chin. Supply Resource)?

Thanks a lot :thumbsup:
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Just fyi, a link in your post was deleted due to said store belonging to a member that has been banned here. We don't allow links to member's websites that have been banned. That may answer your question on their reputability. ;)

Check out our classified sections. Unfortunately most safe stuff for chins has to be bought online...however it is a better deal in the long run.
You don't want to be using carefresh anyway. Chins can eat it and then you have lots of yucky problems.
I've ordered from Camphor Chins and was very pleased with the quality of the items and Alli's customer service was awesome!
Thanks guys!! :) I'll have to check it out!
& Stackie, I don't understand, lol I didn't put a link in my post? Or did I?
Hmm, lol! thanks :)
I buy my toys, fleece, and wood online though forum members. My feed and shavings I get through our local feed store. Have you checked if you have a feed store or tractor supply near you?
We have a Grocery Store, Do It Best, Country Store, and John Deere store (if that's what you mean, but I think they only sell Tractors there. lol) Oh, and there is a plant in town that sells rabbit food, but it's not 'special stuff'... I don't want to feed my chinchillas something that isn't good for them.
The grocery store sells Gourmet rabbit food, but it has dried fruits & veggies in it, and they only eat the treats out of it. (Yes, I've tried picking all the veg&fruit out. lol)
Do It Best just sells chicken feed and dog collars..
The country store just opened and we haven't had a chance to stop in (or even see the hours yet)...
And the John Deere place just sells tractors if that's what you meant. lol...
I found a place where to get Mazuri food for a good price; I checked out the AZ Chins store, they have some chin food for a pretty good price, so I'm good for food:)

Do you guys have any suggestions on toys for chins? What toys do your chins like playing with?
Rhino LOVES willow stars and lava bites. he'll demolish either in a blink, lol. he also really likes the coloured wood stars - they end up looking like wood donuts in a day!
I also wanted to note that you don't want to use cedar bedding. The oils can cause respiratory problems.

I was just about to say the same thing. Cedar is very bad.

The best shavings are kiln dried pine. I think they smell pretty good too.

Unfortunately, if you don't find a local breeder/rescue/feed store that carries good chin supplies, it will still be a little expensive to have things shipped to you. There's really no way around it. Chins are expensive critters, and if you cut corners to save money you might also cut years of their lives out.
If you put your zip code in here you can find a Purina dealer near you. You can then probably get mazuri or PRCS from there. Do you have a tractor supply or Shopper Supply, local feed store? With toys youre better off buying online as they really are cheaper. With dust, you can get a large flat rate box from Ryersons of Blue Cloud for 24 bucks.