RW/RR Challenges

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
The Duel!

So I havent had cable so I just realized its on...three weeks later.. Im catching up on it right now...

Is anyone else watching?

Im still watching the first episode and my mouth dropped while watching the fight between CT and Eric! OMG! This is the SECOND time he goes home on the first night!

It was CT and Adam Melissa and this isn't this first time they've gotten into it! Loads of Drama yes, but once again fueled by Diem and Robin. How are you going to tell someone you love them and want to by with them but maybe in 5 years. AND then get upset if they are hooking up with someone in the meantime? And Robin always has to spread rumors. What I haven't seen yet is Robin and Mark used to live together and I can't tell if they are still a couple.
I'm a SUCKER for this show! I love all the RW/RR challenges. I miss Derek and Abram though. And Coral would have been great to be on this show! But yep I'm in!
OMG you are right! It was Adam not Eric! It was really early/late while I was watching.. So yea!

But Im Loving the drama! I wish Coral was back! I love her! In highschool I was voted most likely to be on a reality show.. And they said I was like Coral! LOL
Holy crap Melissa! This is drama personified! I can't believe the crap Paula pulled! When is that girl going to learn? I guarantee you Dunbar will throw you under the bus long before Evan!!!! I'm loving this Duel 2! I miss Coral, but think her and Ruthie would have come to massive blows!!! This really should be interesting. I'm glad Robin's gone, she is psycho and annoys me. But Landon also annoys me. All I can say is GAME ON!
You guys are hysterical cuz I thought I was the only one that I knew who watched this show. Can't talk about it to anyone but here, lol. I love this show and I LOVED the drama on the 1st episode. CT is the next wolverine!!!!! And I never thought Ruthie was gonna get sent home this early, she was really good on the challenges, and thought I was going to get to see some drama with her and Anisa.
Hahaha.. my mom is addicted to this show, so I am forced it watch it.
Ruthie and Isaac I'm so sad! I LOVE this show. I know Ethan is cocky but he's always my favorite. MJ is nice but too nice!
At first I was going to root for Paula and Evan but now I'm leaning more towards Mark and maybe one of the newbie girls, cuz Paula is getting on my nerves and Evan is getting cockier by the second, but I can't wait to see whats going to happen between Paula and Kim.
Bye Bye Paula and Dunbar. Paula new better than to go against the group and I've never, ever liked Dunbar so I'm not sad to see either of them go. I have to say though Landon is really getting on my nerves! I don't know why though, but he is.
Im totally rooting for Brad and Tori for guy and girl but I would really like to see Mark or MJ win too..

How many winners are there goign to be this year? I forgot!

Oh and no cable sucks! I so have to wait until 9am Thursday to catch the next episode!

Count down... just over 7.5 hours!
Mel! I so do not want MJ or Landon to win! I want Evan to win because I like him. Brad and Tori are great though. Brad is the nicest guy in the world I swear, but in the end it will get him.
Diem is driving me nuts! I was sleeping tonight before work so didn't catch it. I'll have to watch it online tomorrow. Hopefully Evan hasn't already gone home.
I wouldn't care if Aneesa went she's driving me nuts!
But seriously how cool would it be for old man Mark to win!!! I always liked Mark even though he lived with Robin for a bit! UG!
It was a nail biter! I love Evan cuz he's funny but I was hoping Brad would win it. I think if Rachel would have helped him dig out some of that dirt he could have had a little more energy to have won it, I don't know but that's what I think.
I do really like Brad too! Brad is such a gentleman and never plays dirty. Evan does know how to play the game and sometimes it's at the expense of others. But he is so funny. I can't believe Brad ousted Landon! It sure seemed to me that Lando was unstoppable!

Can't wait for the next installment, although we're running out RR players!
Tell me how I totally want to marry Mark!

Rachael is a cow because she let Brad do all the work and pulled ahead. I hate her. He was super nice and did most of the work and she took advantage and took the win. Insert potty word here.
Mel, you and Mark would make a HAWT couple! Mark was a true gentleman in the end, finishing with Aneesa and not without her. This Duel was amazing. My only annoyance was with Diem--She gets upset about CT in the beginning IS basically the reason he went home, then she says she knows he won't be the person she's with in the end--UG! Diem you are annoying!
I'm 43 years old and pathetic because I am soooo interested in these people, lol. Laurie you are right that Diem is annoying as heck, but I kind of understand just a little as to why she got so upset. I believe that CT and Diem had a small reality type show on MTV a few years ago and he was still the same jerk but her protector. There's alot of deep stuff between them. She has said in other shows that her and CT talked about respecting each other and to not hook up with others if they ended up on the same show together (see I'm pathetic, I know way too much). So, in that case even though they weren't dating I could see why she would get so upset but at the same time, it's CT, not your normal dude, noone should expect anything from that man. Don't even get me started on Rachel, that self-centered a**.

I loved that Brad sent Landon home, he deserved it just for that dirty duel he was trying to get away with. Ooh and Mark mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Sandi you are SO not pathetic! I live for RR/RW! When Derreck finally won a challenge I was SO happy! Derreck was an alcoholic *** on RW and then he really came around and is one of the sweetest guys IMO. Same thing with Abe he was a jerk then not a jerk. But no one takes the cake as much as Kenny and Jonny Bananas who really screwed Paula over on The Island!
Thanks Laurie. ;) Ok, I am watching the reunion and lots of blah blah blah usual stuff with the usual whiny people, and then Brad speaks and he totally ripped into, well in a very gentlemanlike manner, Rachel, I LOVED IT, yes call that b**** out! Loved it, best part of the show. Oh, gotta go, its now Mark's turn to speak.
Sandi, I think the mini reality show you are talking about is MADE. When Diem got made into a Salsa dancer.. Or something like that..

And I Cant wait for tomorrow so I can watch the reunion online. UGH! The one problem with not having cable.. LOL

But yea I do agree with you Laurie.. Mark would make a great addition to my Hotty Hot collection!