Router crapped out - just the beginning!!

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Thursday night, I tried to get online - NO GO!! Looked at my router, [ATT] and there was a red light on - checked all the connections and it stayed on!
Since it was after 10 PM, calling was useless, so I called Fri. A.M.! After their stupid recording song and dance, I get a guy that says "red light's on, router is broke, go buy a new one"! How rude! So I call back, get a different person, she switches me to sales, and I'm told I get a free one, I'll be billed the shipping, [$22.95 for overnight] and I'll have it Monday, because of the holiday - no other choice!
Doesn't show, so my wife calls UPS about 6PM, but since we've no tracking #, no answer. Call ATT again this morning, again takes two calls, only to find the first girl "must have been new, as we don't ship overnight, it's two days, but since it was shipped Sunday, [?] you'll have it today, with no shipping charges"!
Since my computor is a laptop, I was able to gain limited access from a neighbors [?] wireless connection, but as I tried to post, would bounce me off!
Anyway, got he new one about 1:30, hooked it up, and here I am - back in business!
Guess this was more of a rant than anything else - releasing aggrevation on my part!
Rickman, I feel your pain! I am so technology challenged, and I swear I should work as a quality control specialist for a tech manufacturer, because I have an amazing ability to walk into any electronics store and pick out the one defective item! Of course, I never know it's defective until I have taken it home and spent hours messing with it and tearing my hair out :banghead:

Anyway, at least it's taken care of now. Hopefully, you won't have any more problems.
Ugh, I feel your pain about "operators", with what some charge for high speed internet, I hope you got some credit.