root canal

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Jan 31, 2009
Holbrook, MA
Can't believe I have to get a root canal.. Thursday! I was planning on using the day to move into my house! I already took a vacation day, and now I have to use it for my stupid teeth. I'm pretty bummed.

Are they as terrible as they sound..?
Actually, no. They aren't. I am the anti-dentist. I work myself up into such a state at the thought of having to get needles for the numbing, I get physically ill for days beforehand. I've had three root canals, and it was pointless to worry, because none of them hurt. One was infected, badly, and I had to go in four times and be on antibiotics for over a month, and it still didn't hurt.
That's good to hear!

I have to get the root canal, then gum treatments, then the crown.. I have antibiotics to take. Blah.

The cost is a killer tho!
Root canals are expensive, and they used to be excruciatingly painful. They have new procedures now that are almost painless, though. Other than waiting for the novacaine to wear off so your face works right again, you should be able to go about moving into your house that day after your dental appointment. I have had three done and the longest didn't take more than 45 minutes.
I used to be a dental assistant, before becoming a mom. A root canal won't be any worse than any other procedure that requires numbing. Depending on whether it's a single rooted tooth or multi-rooted tooth, will determine how long the appointment is. You will most likely need a crown on this tooth afterward, as it will be a shell of what is once was and will be very weak. A crown will cover the tooth and keep it from crumbling apart. Some people go into a root canal appt. with a lot of pain, but walk away from it pain free. Good luck!
I have had a root canal quite a few years ago. What i've come to find out is i require that little extra novicane and have to wait a little longer than some people for it to be fully numb. I have 4 crowned back teeth and of course i've had fillings. I would say the hardest part is the actual 1st procedure and after that it's not a big deal at all. Be careful what you eat the night before and keep telling yourself the longest you'll probably be in the chair is hour/ hour and half---so think of what you'll be doing (relax with a good mag etc.) at home'll be over pretty quickly and really it won't hurt if you are numbed really'll do just fine! To note: When you are getting the crown customized (when they are sizing it to fit your mouth) and you've had your old tooth filed down to a nub; keep your mouth closed as much as you can--the air gets to it and it can be really, really uncomfortable. Ugh! They don't numb you for that and you really don't need to be. That's the 2nd (or last visit). Do your best to think of other things while they are working on you--pleasant things upcoming and that take you to somewhere else (works for me)...Good luck and you'll do a-ok with NOOO pain!!hehe
No, you should be just fine. My only advice is that when you leave the dentist you have all those strong painkillers still in your system, but they wear off. So I think it's best to take a oral painpill (the dentist should prescribe you a few) about every 4-6 hours. But you can't drive with them, you would get a DUI.
It hurt more before I got my root canal. It was abcessed and draining on my gum, real nasty stuff. I was in pain for a few daysafter but not nearly as bad as it hurt before. Just take it easy and let yourself rest up. Good luck, you will be fine. They numb you well and give you some good painkillers. I was also on antibiotics for the infection in my jaw as well.
I agree with everyone here. I have had two root canals and I was TERRIFIED. But it wasn't bad at all. The dentist prescribed valium for me to take before I went to the oral surgeon and I had one of my kids come with me to drive me home. I really didn't need either. It was painless. You just have to have your mouth gaping open for quite a while but it didn't hurt at all.
I've had a root canal and found it not much different than getting a filling. What I'd worked up in my mind ahead of time was far worse than the actual procedure.
Well, I am going to be the odd one out, lol. It really depends on you. I had one that they could not get me numb. 6 shots of stuff in 5 different places and I still felt a lot of it. They did give me valium before and the gas, so I was too stoned to care about the pain, but it was bad after. I bruise really easily in the facial area and all the drilling and stuff made me very sore for several days on this last one. I took a week to be able to eat anything on that side. After that, though, I felt great. All the icky feeling I had because I had all that infection in there was gone. Just keep in mind that having the pain of a root canal does not compare to antibiotics in the hospital because the infection went septic, or worse, death for that reason.
I had a tooth die when I was 15-16. Went into the dentist, they told me it was dead and I needed a root canal. Went into the root canal guy, he scared the **** out of me, so I got up and left.

I'm 29, still have the dead tooth and haven't thought about it since I saw a dentist three years ago. It's never given me problems (knock on wood) and later dentists have said leave it alone.

Like mentioned above once you do the root canal they become weaker. Some people with more fragile teeth loose them after only a few years, some stay in forever. It really depends on the person.

Let us know how it goes...
I just want to wish you good luck tomorrow. I've known for the past 2-3 years that I more than likely need to have 2 root canals done on my two bottom molars. I'm scare ****less and avoid the dentist at all cost. I know I'm harming myself, but I'm so scared I start to feel sick and faint. Please let us (or PM me) know how it went.

Is it still true that once you get a root canal, you're more prone to teeth problems with that tooth, and the surrounding ones? I've heard so many rumors that I'm about to glue my mouth shut if need be. :crazy:
Is it still true that once you get a root canal, you're more prone to teeth problems with that tooth, and the surrounding ones? I've heard so many rumors that I'm about to glue my mouth shut if need be. :crazy:

I have 1 root canal that is 23 years old, I haven't had any more trouble with it. I have 1 root canal that is about 3 years old and still has the temp crown (no money for a permanent one) no problems there either.
I just want to wish you good luck tomorrow. I've known for the past 2-3 years that I more than likely need to have 2 root canals done on my two bottom molars. I'm scare ****less and avoid the dentist at all cost. I know I'm harming myself, but I'm so scared I start to feel sick and faint. Please let us (or PM me) know how it went.

Is it still true that once you get a root canal, you're more prone to teeth problems with that tooth, and the surrounding ones? I've heard so many rumors that I'm about to glue my mouth shut if need be. :crazy:

Once you've had a root canal, you will need a crown to support the tooth. Otherwise it is prone to crumbling apart. Other than that, no more issues with that tooth and it certainly doesn't affect any neighboring teeth. People need root canals because the tooth has died for some reason, or decay has gotten into the nerve chamber. A root canal simply removes the nerve(s) from the tooth, the tooth canals get cleaned out and smoothed, the canals are then filled, and a temperary filling is then placed. You then come back for another visit to have the tooth prepared for a crown, which fits over the tooth and basically holds the tooth together, which has now become weak. The worst thing about a root canal and crown is the hundreds to thousands of dollars you have to fork out!
Once you've had a root canal, you will need a crown to support the tooth. Otherwise it is prone to crumbling apart. Other than that, no more issues with that tooth and it certainly doesn't affect any neighboring teeth. People need root canals because the tooth has died for some reason, or decay has gotten into the nerve chamber. A root canal simply removes the nerve(s) from the tooth, the tooth canals get cleaned out and smoothed, the canals are then filled, and a temperary filling is then placed. You then come back for another visit to have the tooth prepared for a crown, which fits over the tooth and basically holds the tooth together, which has now become weak. The worst thing about a root canal and crown is the hundreds to thousands of dollars you have to fork out!
What does the crown do? Or maybe a better question...what is a crown?

Yeah, I don't think many insurances cover much of a root canal.
Check for a dental school in your area for discount dental work if money is a problem. I have found a a wonderful place with discount medical, pharmacy and dental in Spokane Wa.