resume request, worrisome?

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Jan 31, 2009
Holbrook, MA
I got asked to submit my resume today, should that worry me? Most things worry me, so it does, but *should* it??
Who or what asked you to submit your resume?

Every job I've applied to online has asked for a resume. And some employers want an updated resume for your personal file too.
A real higher up person. Maybe it's just for a file. But none of the others in my same position were asked.. I have a slightly lesser degree than the rest of them, I'm worried :p
There could be several reasons you were asked depending on the line of work you are in. I am asked for an updated resume when a new client hires us for instance. The new client wants to see the experience level of the staff doing the work even though they don't control what I do per se. It could have been for a simple reason like keeping files up to date, I wouldn't worry about it :)).