Reoccurring UTI's- 3rd one in 5 months

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
I have been having a heck of a time with UTI's lately. I've done everything the doctor has told me- wipe front to back, drink plently of fluids, etc etc...all the normal preventative measures. I have ever started drinking a glass of cranberry juice every day. Well I woke up this morning with my 3rd bladder infection in less than 5 months. I don't get it! Before I never had a problem with them. Should I consult my doctor again?
Absolutely consult your doctor again. Maybe you need a referral to a urologist. Has the doctor cultured the urine? A sensitivity will determine whether the antibiotics are effective against the particular bacteria causing these infections. A sensitivity is almost always done with a culture. You can also get cranberry capsules in the vitamin section of most any store. I think they are more concentrated than the juice. I had a problem in the past with chronic bladder infections and began taking the capsules. Actually, my bladder infections were not really bladder infections but I had a diverticulum (pocket) in my kidney that a stone formed in. THIS is what was causing the infections. I had to have the stone removed through a procedure where they go through your back with a scope and take the stone out. Before they closed me up, they cauterized the pocket shut so no stone would form in there again. I only had to spend one night in the hospital. This stone was discovered through an x-ray sort of procedure. My PCP felt he did all he could and couldn't understand why the infections kept re-occurring. I was referred to a urologist who did these more extensive tests. I know my situation probably isn't that common, but sometimes a recurring UTI needs a little further investigation.
They did do a culture every time, and all the results came back as overgrowth of E.coli. Each time I was prescribed a sulfa antibiotic- SMZ/TMP and it gets rid of the infection for a month or so. I made an appointment with my doctor and I will talk to him about possibly going to see a urologist.
Huh. E. Coli is the most common bacteria causing uti's. I'd try to cranberry capsules and a referral to a urologist. I think if they did a sensitivity, which is challenging the bacteria that grows in the lab with different antibiotics, they will find the best antibiotic to kill that specific bacteria you are getting. Sometimes a change in the antibiotic, possibly even from a different family of antibiotics will work. Did they ever do another culture the last day or two you were on the antibiotic to make sure all the bacteria was killed? Anyway, good luck. I hope you find some relief!
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I used to get UTI's often. But the difference is, I never knew it. Well, the doctors said that unless I was in pain, they weren't going to treat me because I would become immune to the meds. Possibly you're becoming immune to them?
I've had a friend with repetitive UTI's and my own Momma had issues a few years ago. Get a second opinion .. get more tests/cultures ran again .. and get a Urologist referral.

My Mom's was something structural/physiological, if I remember correctly. I'll call her and ask her again. The friend's was a totally different beast.. yet very simple remedy... and one that I will pm you about ;)

I hope you get some answers soon ..and a full recovery. :)
Have you gotten a new boyfriend in the past few months? I knew a girl who said with her one boyfriend they just had some kind of chemistry together where she was just always getting UTI's. It's also good to pee before and after relations. Trying to keep this family friendly still. I don't know whether you are active in that way or not but its something I heard so maybe it gives you an answer.
My daughter gets them frequently.

Drink lots of fluids and urinate frequently. Don't hold it for long periods of time.
Don't use bubble bath or anything in bath water and don't wash your hair in the tub.
Don't use scented pads or tampons.
Urinate after intercourse.
That's really horrible. I know how uncomfortable it is too!
My opinion is never hesitate to go to the doctor if you think that there is something wrong. Waiting only causes a potential problem to get worse! Your health is more important than the money you will spend for a doctor's visit!!
UTI's are the bain of my existence. I typically contract a UTI at least on a monthly basis. And that's if I'm lucky. So I totally feel your pain (literally)...

I was recently hospitalized for 3+ days due to a persistent and severe complicated urinary tract infection. I was initially diagnosed mid-December and was treated with Macrobid. My symptoms initially cleared up, but within days I was in pain and began showing other signs of infection such as fever and nausea. I was then placed on another round of antibiotics -- this time Augmentin. When that didn't work I was placed on Cipro and then Levaquin. After nearly a month of consistent antibiotic use I was sicker than ever. I had a very high fever, was beginning to show some neurologic signs, and was having severe bladder spasms that resulted in the inability to go to the bathroom. The culprit? E-coli. I was admitted to the hospital and given high-powered antibiotics intravenously as well as pain medication and an anti-emetic. It's been two weeks since I was discharged and I am just now beginning to regain my strength and feel better.​

Here are some points of information that may be of interest to you (all are direct quotes from the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC)):
  • Many women suffer from frequent UTI's. Nearly 20 percent of women who have a UTI will have another, and 30 percent of those will have yet another. Of the last group, 80 percent will have recurrences.
  • Usually, the latest infection stems from a strain or type of bacteria that is different from the infection before it, indicating a separate infection. Even when several UTI's in a row are due to E-coli, slight differences in the bacteria indicate distinct infections.
  • According to several studies, women who use a diaphragm are more likely to develop a UTI than women who use other forms of birth control. Recently, researchers found that women whose partners use a condom with spermicidal foam also tend to have growth of E-coli bacteria in the vagina.
Urinary tract infections can become severe if left untreated. And, in my experience, sulfa drugs are usually not strong enough to "cure" infections in women who have recurrent UTI's. When you see your doctor I would definitely recommend asking for a different classification of antibiotics. Cipro and it's sister medication, Levaquin, are wide-spectrum antibiotics. I would steer clear of Bactrim, Macrobid, and the like in favor of the other medications -- especially since the sulfa drugs have not been completely effective.

I would also recommend a referral to a urologist. In some cases, recurrent UTI's can be due to an anatomical issue. They are more common that many think and can be treated by surgery and/or drug therapies. You may also want to schedule an appointment with your OB-GYN as sometimes these infections are sexually transmitted or due to a gynecologic issue. At the very least you should have a CT scan or ultrasound to determine if there's an abnormality in your urinary tract or anything more sinister at play.

In the meantime, I would suggest picking up some cranberry capsules. I have been told that they are more effective than drinking juice. Keep drinking plenty of fluids and try to refrain from taking in caffeine. I would suggest not having sex until you have been seen by the doctor and then would suggest urinating right after you do have sex. You can also try showering before and after to help wash away bacteria that may enter your body during sex. You can use a heating pad to help with any cramping that you may have and don't hesitate to request medication for pain or an analgesic for your bladder.

No matter what happens, I hope you begin feeling better soon. UTI's are not fun and can be completely debilitating. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions or would like more information -- unfortunately, urinary tract infections are something I have a wealth of knowledge about.
Yeesh. After 9 of these suckers in 2.5 years, I remember the pain quite well. :hair:

Rather than a regular MD who would throw Macrobid and Pyridium (the tab that colors your urine) at me and brush it off (one while implying that only 'certain types of girls' get reoccurring UTIs and I must be 'too active' in one area of my life) again, I finally went to a homeopath who was able to find something that worked for me and all of my antibiotic allergies. He recommended a preventative cranberry capsule regimen, since it's a little hard on the tongue to drink that much cranberry juice daily. You might want to ask the urologist about that, as well as seeing if there isn't an actual physical cause to them instead of just the old standby analysis of "Bride's Disease".
I'm glad you're seeing a urologist! I'm on a first name basis with mine. Since I was pg with my now 6 y/o, I've been prone to kidney stones. There's just no pain like something awry with the plumbing. I know that I can't eat or drink much of anything with phosphate in it, er it ain't good! Hope they're able to help ya anyway. :hug2:
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See, that's my problem. I never get hit with something and when I do, I get hit HARD.
Last time I had a UTI was when I also had cysts on my ovaries and kidney stones as well as a 2 1/2 week period with slight anemia (HAHA yeah, whoever is up there just LOVES kicking me in the rump when I'm down.) I found out most of my problems is from my constant Mt Dew addiction. I even have Mt Dew PJ bottoms. Yeah, I'm crazy. I started drinking more water, more soy milk, more kool-aid, avoiding as much Mt Dew, got it cut down to about 2 glasses a day and now I'm fine.
How much soda are you drinking?