I don't think that would work because I have custody of her, he has visitation.
I've talked to a couple people and if he'd have done this a lot sooner, my daughter would have her college paid for by one of John's great uncles ( per his estate/will ) but since she wasn't adopted at that time she doesn't. So I'm going to cut off contact, since well he never contacts us really, that shouldn't be hard, and writing my will giving my mom custody if anything happens to me, from what I understand ( we're going to verify this ) is that since I have custody and we have "grounds" aka him basically neglecting her existence, that to override my will he'd have to contest it which is expensive and time consuming, and from what it appears at this time neither of them are things he'd want to invest. This way he'll still have to pay his child support ( which according to him I some how set the amount too high, even though he was in the court when the JUDGE set it... moron ) and I can save it up for things like her medical bills I can't pay and college.
I know in my heart that all of this is coming from his "girlfriend", they have two kids, and she has one from a marriage in between... the more I hear about her, the more revolting she is to me. Hailey told me yesterday that she was making them eat liver last year for thanksgiving, and her son was so revolted by it he vomited, and she made him FINISH the rest of it! AFTER he threw it up! To me this is over the line, and I will not allow my daughter to be subject to that sort of thing. They also do not allow the children to drink anything during dinner, but Hailey says her dad drinks Mt. Dew while eating. When I brought this up to him he said " well she needs to eat, not to be filling up on pop" which just showed how he doesn't know his daughter, she rarely drinks soda. One time he says she doesn't eat when she's there, then he says, oh she just "wasn't hungry one time"... he acts different and the story changes if I talk to him when she's at work or if she's there.
I even asked my husband "If we were eating dinner what would Hailey have to drink"
"And if we were out of milk?"
"And if we were out of water ( which made the kids laugh histrionically )
Point shown.
For her b-day this year she got a phone call, no card, no gift, not even a penny. I'm sure their kids all got presents and a party, I know this because Hailey went to her brother's party... I TOOK HER THERE. And none of the other family tries to contact her, they all have my number, or could get it from Jesse or John ( his brother who I keep in touch with ) they never call or write or anything to show her they care. She told my husband she never missed her brother or sister only her dad... sometimes. I told him she misses the person he used to be, she's in love with a memory and a dream, which is why she doesn't want to go there or talk to him... at least that's my theory.
I'm just so tired of this. He tries to make everything a battle with me, then says I just call to whine and should get a shrink, he can turn any conversation about Hailey into one about me, then will accuse me of calling him to complain. I just would love to find a place where I can be happy, and be happy with Hailey's relationship with her father, but I don't ever see that happening anymore, and I can't put up with his attacks anymore either.