Recovery from hind leg amputation (advice)

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Active member
Jun 27, 2013
Hi I joined this site because it seemed like a good website to get some tips on helping my chinchilla Shadow through her recovery.

Shadow (female, 4 yrs) really sadly had to undergo a hind leg amputation a few days ago (24th June). She is home now and after initially seeming cheery that her painful leg had gone she is now starting to seem depressed, as she is in an emergency cage with no ledges, so no real area to exercise. I know she has just gone through a major operation but I want to try and keep her spirits up, but am worried about giving her any toys in case she hurts herself, does anyone know anything that might be suitable?

She also came home with a sticky plaster over the stitches and wound but another looser bandage over the top which she immediately pulled off. We took her back to the vets who put it back on, but admitted keeping a bandage on a chinchilla will be tough. Anyway that evening she pulled it off again and after several DIY efforts we cut up a sock and wrapped it around her and it seems to hold, though slightly restricted the movement of her good leg (though obviously she doesn't have far to hop around anyway). I wonder if anyone else has experience on bandaging up chinchillas and whether they have any ideas? She still has the original sticky bandage in place under the sock so would that be enough if she throws off the sock as well?

Any tips on her cage? We have layered it with soft towels instead of sawdust and haven't put in a sand bath. Her fur is starting to look a bit grubbier than usual and I don't think that is helping her mood, but I don't know when a sand bath could be allowed... the vet didn't seem sure, probably because she wants to monitor her healing first.

Finally any tips of making chinchillas take critical care more easily? She is starting to get a bit sick of it now!!

Thanks for any help anyone can give me. This is my first chinchilla and we have a really great bond (lots of cuddles and her sleeping on me!) so I just want to make sure I do everything I can for her so she has a speedy recovery.
First, is she eating on her own? I would not use the critical care unless she refuses to eat. Some chins get to the point where they refuse to eat their pellets because they just want the critical care. I see you are in the UK. Can you get some Beaphar for her instead? Chins go bananas over it.

Second, she's not going to enjoy chinnie prison. No chin does. You can give her hay, chew sticks, rosehips - none of those will hurt her while she's recovering.

As far as the sock, did you cut a hole to fit around the intact leg? I did the same thing when I had a chin here have a leg amputation. It was the only way to keep the bandage on for any length of time. Just be sure you cut a big enough hole for the uninjured leg so that she has free movement. I only worried about keeping it covered for the first couple days. After that, mine did fine without.

You can hand dust her. Hold her on your lap and rub some dust into her fur. Especially during this humid time of year, it can really make her feel better. If her leg is covered up nicely, she should be fine.
She is eating hay but generally avoiding pellets. I have been giving her some critical care in the evening along with her medication to make sure she takes down some food with her metacam. I haven't heard of Beaphar but will look it up.

I will definitely pick her up some more chew toys then!

Thanks for the advice regarding wound coverage. I think as we are a few days after the op perhaps I will take the sock off as I think she would be more comfortable and just see how she goes.

I'm off to try the hand sand bath now, thank you so much for your detailed response, it was really helpful.