Rebuilding a vet fund

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
As many of you know I've recently spent $800 on diagnosing and caring for my dog. That was my entire vet fund, plus some. She is my baby and I have no regrets. I'm just worried now because I have no money in a vet fund for my chins. I don't think this makes me a bad owner, what happened with my dog was not expected. If something happened to my chins I would find the money somewhere. Borrowing, another credit card, something. I was just wondering about suggestions on starting over and rebuilding my vet fund?
I suggest yard sales, bake sales, make chin toys, etc. For credit cards try to find one that has a promotion where you have a year to pay it off but still make payments on it.
My wood and fleece items are my critter funds. I suggest trying to slowly put a little back each week if you dont have a quick fix. When my funds get low in my critter account (yes, I have a seperate checking just for the animals) sometimes I try to put 5.00 or 10.00 a week from my paycheck aside. It dont sound like much, but it adds up over time! If you have items around that house that you can sell on Ebay or Craigslist, that might be worth a shot too. Best of luck replinishing!!
You can make it a point over the next few weeks at least, whenever you get money, put $5 aside for the vet fund. Also any unexpected funds can go there. Selling stuff you do not want or need on Craig's List or a yard sale - depending on where you live - and that can go there. When you are grocery shopping and you are about to put an "impulse item" in your cart, put it back, and instead put that money into the vet fund. It will all add up after a while.

And after all, who needs treats when you have chinny love at home, right? ;)
To true :) Thanks for the tips everyone! I know I have some Lane Bryant pants I could probably sell, still new with tags! I will be getting $100 back from my humane society as well from my dog's ultrasound. They were willing to give me a donation towards her care ^^. Ill be donating some small animal supplies that I having laying around though :) After I took in my girls I lost my job, so things are a bit tight right now on unemployment.
I have the Care Credit card. I originally got it to pay to have a root canal which was about $1000 I did not have. I have since paid off the card and used it for vet bills when my sister's cat took ill and had to be put down. Then I used it again when my little Raisin needed to see the vet and I didn't have quite enough. The Care Credit card is great because they give you 6 months same as cash. That means you get 6 months to pay it off and as long as you pay the minimum payment on time you do not have any interest for that amount of time. I am currently looking for full time teaching job and substitute teaching to make some money. I completely understand being tight on money. The economy is a mess. The things you mentioned are great ways to save up a bit of cash as well. I am praying my girls will stay healthy for a long time, but if not I have $500 available on that card and can use another or find additional work for vet bills. My vet thankfully is willing to arrange things like half the bill now and half later.
My vet does not take credit care unfortunately. But they do take another card. I was considering signing up for. My credit is not good due to owing my local hospital $17,000 dollars from several years ago when I had no insurance and needed my gall bladder removed.
I, too, have care credit. Got it after I was faced with the decision for my dog to have a c-section to save the puppy or wait til she delivers the puppy herself, which would be to late for the puppy. Vet fund dropped drastically. Now said Puppy has an issue with Cherry Eye at just 13 weeks old.

So Care Credit and slowly adding back to the vet fund.

Maybe process so wood and sell it. (Apple, Poplar, or other safe woods you have near you) Or make small chin suggested!

Maybe put up flyers to do pet sitting. My vet has a bulletin board, if yours does, you might put up a flyer there.
Just a tip on saving in general, always put money into your savings account first. Even if it's just $5.00 - $10.00 off your paycheck. Many people say that they'll save whatever money is left at the end of the pay period. However most people have little to nothing left at the end of the pay period, so take care of your savings account first. I have a small savings fund, and I try to live free of credit card debt. That way if there is an emergency I have the credit card as a back up. Good luck, hope everyone stays healthy until you get your funds back up :)
We had an unexpected emergency with one of our cats, that took away most of my vet fund. I am just putting extra out of my pay back into my bank account. I also keep a credit card free incase I need to use it.

If you can spare a few dollars each pay, just rebuild your account based on that. It's always nice to have an empty credit card, too.
I put away $50 to $100 a month towards vet bills...then I spend many times more than that on vet bills, usually. :) A credit card for emergencies is a great idea. I've been trying to build up a vet fund for years, but the rescues usually make sure that I end up spending it. I spend all the money I have on chins so it doesn't seem like a huge sacrifice for me.

It's always a good idea to save up to make sure that you have money for the vet when you need it. But after it gets depleted, it can be tremendously difficult to save up again. Just keep putting a few dollars away every time you have money, like Megan time you need it, it probably will be enough.
Savings accounts have never worked out for me so I also try to keep a credit card empty for emergencies.

I had it nearly maxed out 4 months ago and was worried everyday that something was going to happen when I had no credit left. I worked really hard over the past 4 months to pay it off, and thankfully I did because my dog was attacked yesterday by another dog. It was so nice to just be able to grab my purse and go to the vet with no worries about how I was going to pay for it at that moment.
Savings accounts have never worked out for me so I also try to keep a credit card empty for emergencies.

I had it nearly maxed out 4 months ago and was worried everyday that something was going to happen when I had no credit left. I worked really hard over the past 4 months to pay it off, and thankfully I did because my dog was attacked yesterday by another dog. It was so nice to just be able to grab my purse and go to the vet with no worries about how I was going to pay for it at that moment

This exactly what I do and because of our property tax situation 6 months ago, I maxed out that empty credit card. I'm still working on paying it off since it was several thousand dollars that I needed within a weeks time. Thankfully, I haven't had any other emergencies since then.

ETA: Sorry about your dog Sycamore Chins.
I'm not sure who you bank with, but Wells Fargo has a plan called "Save as you Go". Every time you use your debit card, they put $1 into a dedicated savings account for you. It may take you a while to build it up, but every little bit helps!