Reasonable price for ferret nation?

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Active member
Jul 16, 2012
Goodland, Indiana
So I found a ferret nation on CL but I think the price is too high. Its 5+ years old and is missing one of its shelves. It is the 142 model I believe. The seller is asking $180 but I just don't see it worth that much. The ad has been up for a week or so.

Would it be okay to offer less? If so, what is the cage even worth? Is the price fair?
It's always okay to offer less, what is the worst that will happen? They'll say no?

You can get a new one for not much more. Do a search and find other ones, usually I see them on CL for about $75-$100.

I'd just send them a link to a new on, say I can get a new one for almost that, I'd offer you $100 (or whatever price).
I think it'd be fine to offer less. What's the worst that can happen -- they can say no.

At least around here, people selling those cages think they're worth their weight in gold. There's one ad up right now that says "bought for $500, asking $250." Really? Cause I could buy a new one for that.

I think the average price people pay for a used one (depending on how much you want to spend) is $100-150. I've personally only paid $100 for each of mine, though I was definitely burnt on the last deal, as it was taken apart when I saw it and was missing parts (which wasn't clear because it was taken apart), so by the time I replaced those parts, I could've bought the cage new. But for the most part, I think $100-150 is a reasonable price.

I wouldn't personally pay $150 unless it was like brand spankin new, because it's a used cage, if I'm going to pay like a high percentage of its original price, I'll just suck it up and buy it new. I'll only buy used ones at a deal, which to me would be $100-125. But that's just me.

I think $180 is a bit high, I would ask if they'd take less.
I just picked up a used 142 for $75. They were asking $125 but I had to drive 1.5 hours for it so I talked them down.
Thank you very much for the tips and that link! Wow, my jaw hit the floor on that one. I had quite the pleasure of calling up my sister and showing her that, who just spent nearly $300 for her ferret nation from petsmart.

I emailed the seller showing them that price and asking if we could negotiate a price. Still waiting to hear back