Re-homing or downsizing cage

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Wheel Cleaner X2
Jan 29, 2009
Laval, Canada
As some my have seen in family talk, my fiance break up with me. He moved with roomate in an other appartment. Boing (the chin) is more his than mine, so I get to keep Litchi (even if it break his heart). The point is, his room is really small and might not have room for the current cage 34"X34"X36". So he's wondering if Boing could still be happy in a smaller cage (witch his wheel might not fit) or we should try to re-home him. Thanks for your input.
All I can is to try it and see. I'd also try very hard to give him extra play time, since he wont have his wheel any more.
Personally I think the idea of taking away his wheel could be quite traumatizing to the lil chin. But you never know for sure until you try.
I would avoid rehoming... if possible, converting to a smaller cage will be less stressful/traumatic for everyone involved. I would think he could be perfectly happy in a smaller cage... our quarantine cage is about 30L x 18W x 28H and it seems to be enough for a permanent habitat. It fits a 15" chin spin and I imagine it would also fit a standard flying saucer. Good luck!
For one chinchilla, you should definitely be able to go smaller than the cage that he's currently in and still have enough room for him to live comfortably. 34"x34"x36" is quite large. Though it's nice to go for as big a cage as possible, it isn't strictly necessary for a single chin to have an enormous space, especially if it means either downsizing the cage somewhat or getting rid of the chin. For size reference, my two chinchillas' cage is 36"x18"x30". A Quality Cage chinchilla townhome (which is easily large enough for 2 chins) is 30"x24"x36", and their chinchilla condo (which can comfortably house one chin) is 30"x24"x24". All of those cages are still big enough for a 15" chin spin or flying saucer wheel, too. (Not that those are your only choices, of course; just providing the measurements for reference, as each of those cages are smaller than your current cage but still large enough to comfortably house a chin.)
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If it came down to a choice of re-homing why wouldn't he "re-home" him to you? I think he could do fine in a smaller cage but I don't understand why he can't stay where he is if your ex would re-home him anyway...
The trouble is that I will move to a smaller appartment and I can't have both. Since the chinchila was never really my idea (I find his care more exausting that Litchi) I'm not fond on keeping him anyway
He'll be fine in a small cage. They do not NEED a huge cage with all the bells and whistles. Is it nice? Yes. However, they can be just as happy in a small cage, without a wheel, or a million toys to play with. They can be fine without playtime, too.

If he can still give him the care the chin needs (proper food, water, etc) thats what is extremely important and you cannot cut down on... If he'll still be giving it the care he needs, but in a smaller cage- thats fine. Better then dumping a pet when the going gets tough :)

Keep in mind, chins have been bred for years in runs by ranchers, and many hobby breeders. Not everyone has huge cages--and they do just fine :)
Well if you really dont think that you can keep both I would just get him a smaller cage. But I think if you can to try and take both if they are used to each other it might make the transition better.
She posted she really does not want the chin....

I think the chin can be in a smaller cage, however I dont think it is fair to the chin to have his wheel taken away and a smaller cage....
I agree chins can do fine without wheels (most of my dont have wheels) but if he's used to it, I think it can be traumatizing - a move, a smaller cage, AND having his wheel taken away might be too much. Is there a happy medium here? Maybe a smaller cage but still with enough size to allow for his wheel?
Well if you really dont think that you can keep both I would just get him a smaller cage. But I think if you can to try and take both if they are used to each other it might make the transition better.

You can't put a hedgehog in the same place as a chin, the hedgehog (at least mine) require a minimum of 24C while a chin would die. I will have a 1 bedroom appartment, no pet in my bedroom (can't sleep with them) so that leaves only the family room, wich is where I'll put Litchi. Beside, I'm more of a hot person, right now Boing is in the computer room and I don't go there very often cause I'm freezing.

Anyway, I just talk to my ex and he might try to make a custom cage to fit over his bureau. In the mean time, I'm on duty to take care of him. He might be nice, fluffy and happy but cleaning after him is such a choore, even more so in my case cause I'm a bit depress and just walking to the buss stop (like 5 minutes) is a mountain to climb.
You can't put a hedgehog in the same place as a chin, the hedgehog (at least mine) require a minimum of 24C while a chin would die. I will have a 1 bedroom appartment, no pet in my bedroom (can't sleep with them) so that leaves only the family room, wich is where I'll put Litchi. Beside, I'm more of a hot person, right now Boing is in the computer room and I don't go there very often cause I'm freezing.

Anyway, I just talk to my ex and he might try to make a custom cage to fit over his bureau. In the mean time, I'm on duty to take care of him. He might be nice, fluffy and happy but cleaning after him is such a choore, even more so in my case cause I'm a bit depress and just walking to the buss stop (like 5 minutes) is a mountain to climb.

I was just wondering, how small will the cage be if it can't fit a wheel? I mean, height wise the cage should be tall enough to house a wheel IMO. I could understand length wise if it would take up room...

He'll do fine in a smaller cage with more attention etc., but he might show some signs of being affected by the move
As was said about breeding run chins, plenty of chins live in cages without wheels or move to cages without them and live just fine. IMO, sometimes it is tempting to project human feelings on them, but honestly they don't care. He will be just fine moving into a smaller cage with a few ledges and some chew toys. If the bf feels guilty about the cage change then he can get a playpen that folds as a solution.
what I meant by the wheen not fitting is trought the door and taking up much space. I don't know if he'll take the quanrentaine cage or really make one from scratch in melamine.
Finnaly, I think we'll have to re-home Boing. He doen't have place for a cage, the landlord is absolutly against animal and since the only place he could be is my ex b/f's room and he oftent get peneumonia and such, that would probablu harm little Boing. I'm keeping him for about a month, but then I'll post an ad, to find a new family for him. That breaks my heart (and my ex's hearth too)