
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Feb 25, 2012
hey guys, so im kinda new at this forum thing so sorry if this is in the wrong place,
anyways im thinking about getting a second chin. i have a four year male, he lives alone, (away from my female) and i want to get him another male cage mate, and i was wondering if anyone has any advice from intrducing them, to good breeders in the st louis area
Hey there!

If you go through the search engine and use the word "introduction" it should give you quite a few really good discussions over this.

Best of luck!
I would not attempt to pair two males with a female in the same area. When she goes into heat, they will most likely fight over her, even if they can't get to her, it's instinctive. And chins can fight to the death.
In other instances, many people have males and females in the same room together with no problems. Aggression is just something you have to watch for. In any case, chins can hate each other off the bat, or get along for some amount of time and then turn on each other out of the blue. Like it was said earlier, you can search for introduction techniques as they have been discussed many times on this forum. The one that seems to work best for me is the cage within a cage method as well as the car ride method.
If you can't keep males and females in the same area, how on earth do ranches and breeders keep their chins, in same sex buildings?
If you can't keep males and females in the same area, how on earth do ranches and breeders keep their chins, in same sex buildings?

I have to agree. I keep males and female in the rescue area. I have male pairs, female pairs, and singles. I've never had a male pair fight being housed near females. I have several FN 143's that are about 3 in. apart from one another. While I do keep fleece in between, the cages are still close enough that the smell of a female in heat would definitely trigger a fight between males if it were going to happen. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, just saying if it were to happen that the chins would have most likely fought regardless of the female being in the same room.
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I have two males and two females in the same room and have no issues. Their cages are about 3 feet apart and separated by a storage cabinet the same height as the cages.