Hi all,
I'm pretty much a lurker here and have read several threads on introducing chins and would like some feed back.
Here is a bit of back story; sorry for the length. My wife and I adopted a single female chin (Mouse about 3.5 yrs old at the time) from a co-workers daughter who was going to college. We didn't know anything about chinchillas and after some research on the old Chins and Quills board, got everything setup for our new house mate.
My wife worried that Mouse was lonely, so the search for a companion began. We ended up adopting two chins (sisters/newborn) as we didn't want to separate them; they just adored each other.
The sisters (Skylar and Jayden) lived in a separate room for several months to ensure there was no issues with diseases before moving thier cage into the same room with Mouse. We then alternated play time between Mouse and the sisters. During one of these alternating play times, Skylar ran up to Mouse's cage and they squabbled a bit through the bars (it all happened so quick) where Skylar got a part of her toe bit off (I assume it was bit off). After an emergency vet visit we decided to cancel our plans on introducing the sisters with Mouse as we didn't want anyone else getting hurt.
Fast forward 6 years and Skylar (the older sister) passed away unexpectedly. Jaden does seem quite depressed since her sister died, even with addtional attention from us.
My wife and I are now re-visiting the idea of introducing Mouse and Jayden (Mouse 10yrs old and Jayden 6.5 yrs old now). So far we've moved each other's cage next to each other (about 4 inches apart) for about a week. They both were really excited at this change at first but it didn't seem to be in a bad way (no spraying as far as I saw). Now they seem to pretty much ignore the other (I think), not sure if this is a good sign.
Next we plan on placing each into the other's cage for awhile (saw that as a suggestion on another thread); I hope to try that this coming weekend. And if all goes well try to have them play together for the first time next week.
Does it look like we're on the right track? Any other incite or advice would be appreciated, thanks for your time and have a great day.
I'm pretty much a lurker here and have read several threads on introducing chins and would like some feed back.
Here is a bit of back story; sorry for the length. My wife and I adopted a single female chin (Mouse about 3.5 yrs old at the time) from a co-workers daughter who was going to college. We didn't know anything about chinchillas and after some research on the old Chins and Quills board, got everything setup for our new house mate.
My wife worried that Mouse was lonely, so the search for a companion began. We ended up adopting two chins (sisters/newborn) as we didn't want to separate them; they just adored each other.
The sisters (Skylar and Jayden) lived in a separate room for several months to ensure there was no issues with diseases before moving thier cage into the same room with Mouse. We then alternated play time between Mouse and the sisters. During one of these alternating play times, Skylar ran up to Mouse's cage and they squabbled a bit through the bars (it all happened so quick) where Skylar got a part of her toe bit off (I assume it was bit off). After an emergency vet visit we decided to cancel our plans on introducing the sisters with Mouse as we didn't want anyone else getting hurt.
Fast forward 6 years and Skylar (the older sister) passed away unexpectedly. Jaden does seem quite depressed since her sister died, even with addtional attention from us.
My wife and I are now re-visiting the idea of introducing Mouse and Jayden (Mouse 10yrs old and Jayden 6.5 yrs old now). So far we've moved each other's cage next to each other (about 4 inches apart) for about a week. They both were really excited at this change at first but it didn't seem to be in a bad way (no spraying as far as I saw). Now they seem to pretty much ignore the other (I think), not sure if this is a good sign.
Next we plan on placing each into the other's cage for awhile (saw that as a suggestion on another thread); I hope to try that this coming weekend. And if all goes well try to have them play together for the first time next week.
Does it look like we're on the right track? Any other incite or advice would be appreciated, thanks for your time and have a great day.