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I have Critical Care because one of my chins needed it but honestly felt better once I "had it on hand", as opposed to when I didn't. It's not the easiest thing to get when you need it quickly, so I plan to be sure that I always have it. I've never used Lifeline...
I would recommend all chin owners to have critical care on hand but I also have Tanya's of "Essentials for Life" syringe feed on hand as well. Of the 3 chins I had to hand feed, I had the hardest time with the critical care unless I added something else to it for flavor, it went a lot easier with the Essentials for Life.
i think its a good idea to have something on hand, you just never know when someone might get sick and you will need it.
Yes, but I'm not sure I did before we started the rescue. Having had a ton of sick chins come into the rescue over the years... now we always have it on hand. I think it's good for pet owners to have on hand as well, never know when you might need it. Though, in a pinch, ground up pellets and some probiotics can suffice while waiting for it to be shipped.
So it is something that would need to be shipped not gotten locally from maybe a vet? I wondered if it was more for those with many chins like a breeder or rescue to have on hand. Which do you recommend I get and how long do they stay good, best way to store? Are they used for different reasons?

Sandi...I will check out fuzzieskingdom.
I have 2 flavors of Critical Care, Essentials for Life, and Lifeline. I keep it all on hand because it's a lot easier to grab it from your kitchen than it is to run around in a frenzy when you're worried about a sick chin. Some vets carry Critical Care (mine does), but I only have one chin that will willingly eat it for me, while all seemed to like EFL. The Critical Care has an expiration date on the bag (1-2 years, I think), and I've read that storing it in the freezer extends the shelf life, so that's where I leave mine. I keep the Lifeline in the fridge next to my probiotics, but I don't recall how long it lasts for. I'm sure someone else has that info for you.
I've never asked our vet if they carry it, but I'm sure they do. The thing is, with a chin you're feeding for awhile, at least for me, it's easier to ship some in rather than make a 2+ hour round trip to pick up some.
I just found this on the website "Lifeline will never spoil until it gets wet. It remains at full strength until the 'Use by date' when the probiotic becomes a bit less vital - typically around 2 years - if refrigerated."
Just curious for those who use Essential for Life - how long does the 3.5oz. syringe last for the average chin - say 600 grams.

You can message Tanya here on the forum and she'll be happy to answer your question(s). I started using strictly the EFL only in the last 1.5 years and did not need to hand feed long enough to use up a package.