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Jan 13, 2011

I have 3, one day old kits and one started not doing well so I had to hand rear it, at first she wouldn't eat but know she is a starting to.

But thats not what my question is... she passes out like she dies (stops breathing) and about 2 minutes later she starts to breathe again and is fine. She has done it about 5 times. May she be epileptic?? Has this happened to anyone before?

Any info would be great?
Does she go limp or is she rigid when she passes out? Also, how often are you feeding the kit, how much is it eating, and what are you feeding it?
Yes she goes limp. She started to do it before she even started to take the food from me. I just started feeding her about an hour ago, eating a few drops at a time. I am feeding her Kitten milk (KMR).
I don't think that KMR works with chins because it's for a carnivorous animal and you're feeding an herbivore. I've personally never reared kits (I have two boys) but I think you can find a better substitute if you sift through the threads.
Thank you for the info. I will get another supplement.

We are just worried about what could be causing her to pass out like she has been doing. Even before we started bottle feeding her.
I am sad to say that she passed out more and more frequently, and the last time to passed out she didnt come out of it.

Thank you for all the information, I really appreciated it.
Not an expert on this but I have seen seizures in chins and they don't look like passing out - they look like stiff contortions of the body. Is she moving at all when this happens?
There are different types of seizures; they don't all look the same.

I'm not sure about the 'passing out' but with kits this small and young there isn't a lot that can be done. Just keep hand feeding and hope she pulls through. Make sure the other kits don't bully her and that she stays warm and isn't pushed aside.

KMR can work. I prefer goats milk and water.
I know Sarah posted the link for FAQ's concerning KMR for kits. It is not recommended. The best thing is goats milk and then a small amount of baby rice cereal.

Kits need to be hand fed every 2 hours. You need to make sure you are not forcing the milk into the kits mouth rather dribbling on their lips so they can lick it off.

It would help if you could get a weight on this kit as well as the others. Kits should be weighed daily to make sure they are gaining. Gram scales as well as canned goat's milk can be found at Walmart
I am sad to say that she passed out more and more frequently, and the last time to passed out she didnt come out of it.

Thank you for all the information, I really appreciated it.

I am sorry it failed to thrive for you. These things happen sometimes. Keep us updated on the other kits.
Thank you for your kind thoughts and words.

The other two kits are doing great, running around, nursing and learning to eat hay and food.

I think because there was three kits in the litter, possibly she had some underdevelopment issues. Due to her passing out like she was dead and waking back up about 2 minutes later.

I wasn't forcing her to eat, she would sometimes want it open her mouth and try to suck on the dropper I was using. She did eat some, but at the end she started rejecting the food and passing out more and more, until she didn't wake up the last time.

I will keep you updated on the other 2 for sure.
Oh my goodness, i'm so sorry to hear about your little kit. How is she doing now? My chinchilla just gave birth to her first kit yesterday and we have been monitoring her little one too...I can't imagine having to hand feed something so small and delicate.

I hope everything is alright