Question on gravity feeder.

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Mar 2, 2011
So, I went to look at getting a gravity feeder and my local store, they have 2 kinds. Both the same size however one has a sifter type bottom and the other is a solid bottom. Just wondering from your experiences if one has any advantage over the other.

Also would the solid one work good for hay?


The wire bottom would help the dust, and fine particules to fall from the bottom away from the intact pellets, so in my opinion would be better. I'd find a hay holder that has a wire mesh in front, so they can grab pieces of hay. The hay wouldn't come down like the pellets, and they wouldn't have easy access to it.
The wire bottom would help the dust, and fine particules to fall from the bottom away from the intact pellets, so in my opinion would be better.

I have to agree with Twilight about the wire bottom ones. I used to have the wire bottom ones and changed to the coop cups.
They were nice because you just filled them up on the outside of the cage. I was just re-doing cages and thought about making a change. In the future I might go back to the coop cups.
I just got my new feeders in today. A little different, where the chins can only take a pellet or two at a time, and no more sitting in their food dishes. Should be nice feeding outside of the cage, especially when one decides to make a run for it!
I just got my new feeders in today. A little different, where the chins can only take a pellet or two at a time, and no more sitting in their food dishes.

What kind of feeders are they and where did you get them? I'm using a gravity feeder and my chin sits on the ledge while he eats. It's the same effect as sitting in a feed cup. I'd love to find a feeder that offers a smaller opening.
I think I got all that Serena, had, but Ronda you're selling them too aren't you?
She can hook you up! I know I'm going to have a lot less waste already. :)