Question for metal tube owners

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
Are your chins overly protective of there tubes?

I find the behavior of mine quite interesting. If i ever have to reach into there hut for what ever reason, its not that big a deal to them. But if my hand enters there tube, its game on.

when i go to clean there cage each day i use my hand to wipe out any pellets that are in the metal tube. They also have a wooden ledge near the tube that they are sometimes standing on. And if they see my hand enter that tube, they get protective of it instantly. They will charge at my hand aggressively with low grunts and bites. Nothing that has ever hurt at all, but with enough attitude to say 'get out of here, this is mine!' in no uncertain terms.

All five of my chins have done this at some point i believe. I was curious to know if anyone else's chins had this behavior with there tubes as well.
Mine do that too. It's like the tube is their territory or something. They protect it. I think they feel safe in there cause it's a small area.
Mine push my hands away. They don't like my hands near the opening. I also have long PVC pipes that they play in when they are out and if something gets too close or blocks the opening they move it out of the way. Sometimes I'll put sticks or other chew toys in the tube and watch them shove them out. They are funny little girls.