Question about where to find state law...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Does anyone have any tips on where to find a state law or statute?

I was told there is one stating one head ( as in livestock ) per acre, which I brought up at the village meeting, but I can't find it. I heard it from a reliable source... my mom. :p "They" ( meaning my dad is but she gets drug into it ) are on the board in a local town and she said they found it once for whatever reason, but couldn't find the copy she had.

Any ideas where to look?! I did a search with various phrases, but no luck!
contact your state legislature and they should be able to look it up for you/find it.

you can also go to a library, where they sometimes have the state statutes in writing.
Maybe a local law library would be helpful? Otherwise, if you really need to know, PM me the details and I can look it up on Westlaw at work. Annotated state statutes are most likely what you are looking for.
Have you looked at this site?

That wouldbe all your state statutes. If it is not in that, then it probably is a local or county law/regulation.

Every state has laws, and then municipalities can make those more stict, but not less strict. I would highly doubt there would be a statute at the state level that states 1 livestock per acre unless it mentions something about in town since that is very few animals per acre in farm country. However, it does sound like it might be an old law that is at a city or county level. Your city/town/county should have available the local laws/statutes. Some laws are eventually taken off the books ( such as requiring people to shower on Saturdays, and bring their shotgun to church on Sundays).

Good luck.
Do you mean I don't have to shower on Saturdays anymore?

I looked through hundreds of livestock statutes last night with no luck.

Actually 1 head per acre is not sparse. The general "rule" in Nebraska ( it varies in different areas due to different kinds of grasses etc.) is 2 acres per cow/calf pair. The only times that would really be "violated" would be boarding facilities, hoarders, feedlots, etc.
I tried looking for you last night, and all I found was something to do with waste disposall and water drainage. I would think it's a county thing too.
Wow, where I used to live it was 5acres for the first head, and 1 or 2 acres for each additional. Good luck, Nicole.
Is it a regulation vs. a law? It might be within your rules and regulations instead. The difference is, is how enforcement is done (usually).

I have no clue what our per acre is here, but I do know people keep more than 1 cow per acre of field. Does the land have to all be field for the animal or can there be a dwelling or other unusable space in that per acre allotment? For instance if you have a 5 acre lot and you have 2 acres of trees/house can you still have 5 cows or only 3?
All good questions I don't know the answer to. I know I was told that it IS state, whether it's a law or regulation... I'm not sure. My mom said she has a copy of it, but that's like looking for a diamond ring in thrift store, lol. She has filing cabinets... she just forgets how to use them I think.
I don't know if this will help. To make a long story shorter, the property we almost purchased was horse ready. But the realtor could not tell us anything about how many animals it could house. I had the plat work and ended up calling the county office and was able to find a person who could answer it. I'm not sure about your state, but here in Virginina it is how the property is zoned and each county is different. I was humored when she told me the different animals that could be kept.
What I think is funny is the ordinance here talks about:

Chicken and other Fowl
Sheep and goats

What about a donkey? It's not a mule or a horse? Or I could have 150 llamas... and there is nothing against that, or a zebra, a whole herd of them. It also says nothing about bulls, only cows. So can I have a bunch of bulls but only one cow? I could have one cow and one calf under so many months. if I can only have one cow how did it get bred? What if I have steers? What about ostriches and emus? They are not fowl. It also talks about other animals, like one pig and a baby pig under two months, what about the other baby pigs? What do I do with them? And what if my horse has a baby... do I have to get rid of it if I have a mare and a stud? I'm so confused! If they are nice and work with me, I might actually point these defects in their wonderful ordinance, otherwise... I might use them to my advantage to get revenge.... muuuwwwhhhhaaaahhhaaa! :p