Question about obsessive habits?

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New member
Nov 19, 2011
If this thread is in the wrong place, please don't be angry; this is the first time I've posted (besides an introduction...maybe?), and only the second time I've browsed this forum. I'll do better next time, but feel free to move to the proper location!

My chinchilla Meeka is a sassy, sassy little girl. I'm used to her being a brat for the attention (and believe me, I say this with nothing but fondness, amusement and love; I can't be mad at my little Bean for long), but she's developed a destructive habit that's become worrisome for me.

She has this tendency to pull at threads of the carpet in my apartment and rip them up so the stuff...(sorry, not a carpet salesman) is showing. So basically, tearing up small patches of my carpet. This is manageable (currently), and I can carefully glue the bits of my carpet back so it looks like nothing happened, but if this problem becomes more widespread (as in, tearing up more and more carpet each time), it could become a huge issue of stress (and money) for me.

I'm fortunate that the apartment I moved into was the landlady's former one, and since she used to smoke, and put holes in the walls, she doesn't really mind what I do. She DOES KNOW about the chinchilla, and the only question she asked was 'what are they?' and 'do they make noise?'. Granted, I didn't realize HOW destructive (chewy! nom nom nom) chinchillas were at the time and couldn't really give her much information.

The apartment is chinproofed now, but the carpet, well unless I put a tarp down (which I'd be worried about her chewing through), is kind of a liability at the moment!

Long story short, halp?
(My name is Ryn, by the way, in case I never actually made an intro post!)
I have tried running her in the bathroom before, and it made her very upset (not enough room; the home she last came from had a bigger space than my bathroom, and she did NOT like the change).
Well the carpet could be a danger to her so she will just have to adjust. You don't want to lose her from an impaction do you? Bathroom, or get a playpen and try using a fleece or cardboard floor and throw a fleece blanket over the top so she doesn't jump out. Yes....she will be mad for days/weeks/months/years but it has to be done. (First take out a large life insurance policy lol)
Is it just in one certain spot of the carpet, or just all over? Maybe she is smelling a previous pet or something. If it's the entire carpet, you should probably move play time to different room. If it's just one certain spot try covering it with cardboard. If you ask at the pet store they will probably try to sell you bitter spray, but don't waste your money. My boys love the taste of the bitter and chewed my baseboards even more when I sprayed them. I have heard similar stories of other chins loving the taste of the bitter too. Good luck.
Does she have access to your whole appartment, or just a single room? You should be in the room with her the whole time anyway to watch and make sure she isn't getting into anything like that. You think you have the room chin proofed, but those little furballs can get into everything any anything!

Bathroom is a great place to let them play. She might be mad and give you the stink eye, but she'll be used to it after a while.
How about chew toys and lots of stuff to investigate?
Do you have some old blankets you can throw down on top of the carpet?
I've found saying "no" does work with all three chins. I scoot them away from whatever yummy bit of wood trim or wall they're investigating and praise and play with them when they go to the stuff they're supposed to be chewing.
Cardboard boxes, pop-up play tents, hay and toys in a box they can jump into, a step stool, old pillows are some of the stuff I rotate in the play area to keep them busy.
You do have to be on top of them a bit if they're mischievous chewers...or mischievous escape artists, which is my problem, lol. Any time it gets too quet someone is trying to scale a wall or dig a tunnel under the floor. You'd think it was Alcatraz, the way they try to escape.