question about liter pans and fleece liners

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Sorry for all the posts. Been off the boards for a few years and had my chins for about 6 . I thought i knew everything i needed to know but am seeing some new stuff on here and getting confused. One thing i don't remember ever seeing before is fleece liners. What is the purpose of using them over kiln dried pine on bottom of cage? My chins ( well , down to one now) does pee on shelves sometimes but mostly in the pine on bottom of cage. Should i be using a liter pan? If so it's just a metal pan filled with shavings and idea is they go in there and not on the liner? Are people finding liner easier to clean than shavings? Cheaper? better for chins feet? Would just like to understand the idea behind this so i can decide what to do . My chin Rocket lives in a huge custom cage and bottom dimension is 5 feet by 2feet. He has fleece hammocks which for years went unchewed and then i did notice he nibbled one so i replaced it and have been keeping my eye on the new ones. Also confused cause i thought chins over heat easily and would think they prefer the cold surface to fleece ( i do keep my air below 74 degrees at all times).
Some people use fleece liners because they're easier to clean, will cost less in the end, have less waste, and because they look nicer. I make, sell, and use fleece liners - I use them in my Ferret Nation cages, but not in my others. I personally like to customize the cages to make it look better, and more original. I like being able to shake out the liner and throw it in the wash and just slap it back in. It's much easier than scraping kiln dried pine off a pan and watching it rust in the process. My pans don't rust with my liners, but they do with the pine. If you can purchase a liner for $15-20 and use it for over a year - you'll save money instead of purchasing pine bags from PetSmart - which are $15 or so and last a few months right? My chins don't lay on the liners very often, they sleep on their shelves, but some sleep in their houses with liners underneath. I've never had them overheat, nor have I heard of anyone else's chins overheat from using fleece liners.
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