Question about FN 142 base pans?

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Philosophically inclined?
Jan 16, 2011
Eugene, OR
My FN 142 is going to be shipped on monday, and I would like some advice regarding how to go about buying the extra deep base pans for the cage.
I have one chin, and what I wanted to do was keep the top floor on rather than take it out. I know this site: sells the extra deep pans, and I know that Whimsy sells custom wooden pans (which to be honest I would prefer to buy) but I noticed that the pan she has for the second level closes off the opening for any chins to go through and would only allow Nietzsche to utilize one half of his cage.
What should I do? Buy the first level base pan from Whimsy and the second level from Bass Equipment? Help!
If I were you, I'd do the latter. I'm about to take out the middle on mine and let them have free roam (with lots of shelves). If you're sure you want a pan, I think the latter is the only way to go. Though, you could ask Whimsy if she'd make a special order one for you.