question about cuddle buddys

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Dec 3, 2012
San Diego CA
It seems little Voodoo has hit a special time in his life and has become extra affectionate. I think a cuddle buddy would be great for those lonely days when Im at school or work
I do have a question on construction
what type of thread do I use?
i had a guinea pig when I was a little girl who ate string and passed it in a solid strand.
have plenty of nylon on hand but im worried about it becoming brittle with washing and I assume a cuddle buddy will be washed weekly. Its synthetic and im worried what happens if he eats it. Im worried it could cut him on the way out.
I also have cotten but im not sure if its glazed or merercized Im not sure if the chemicals in that process would linger possibly making him sick
I could get some silk thread. I would only be making a hammok and a plush toy so I dont think that it would be to much of a price differance
Does it matter or am I nuking this? Is there a certian type of fleace to use or anything I should avoid.
or should I take the cuddle buddy away at first sign of nibbling?
I don't know if the type of thread matters, but if he seems to be trying to eat the cuddle buddy, you should probably just take it away. I have a chin who can't any hammocks because all he did was try to tear it apart.
Assuming that he doesn't chew the thing to pieces, the thread shouldn't really matter because all of the seams will be inside the toy, so none of the thread will be exposed.

Basically, you want to sew the whole thing except a small hole inside out. Then, you're going to make it right side out through the hole that you left, and finish it off with an invisible seam by hand. Here is how to do one if you're not familiar.

As far as fleece goes, blizzard and anti-pill are both fine. Buy whatever's on sale! :p
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Anti pill fleece is best. But I've used all different types of fleece to be honest.
I would just use a cotton type thread to be honest I'm not sure many of us have done much thinking about the thread we use-sorry not much help, I know.
I've just used cotton thread for Mips' fleece things, but I hide the seam so he can't get at it.