question about crab apple

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Hello I got a quick question about crab apple trees. I know that some people give it to their chins and I was wondering how much they like it? Also is there any certain time of year that it should be cut? Is it different from state to state? All the flowers are coming off now and it is about to get fruit. Oh and just so everyone knows this and I dont hear about the pestisides and what not, we're already aware of all that. Thanks
Yep, than it is fine to use, and my chins love crab apple wood!
It's a big hit here as well. I know there are different species of crabapple trees (white flowers, pink flowers, etc), but they're all safe. I like to cut it in late fall through winter so I don't have to do as much work removing leaves and fruit, and I mostly go for the shoots around the trunk as they are nice and straight, easy to cut down into smaller bites for the chins. They also grow back quickly.
This is a great thing to know! I have about ten crab apple trees in my yard! One question, how to you clean and prepare them so they're ready for your chin????
Finally a good use for my crab apple tree! Thanks for all the info!