Kathiva La Diva
I recently saw an ad of someone that is selling some chins, and I noticed that in the picture he/she had for litter/bedding, these cat pellets that are made of recycled paper. It reminded me when I once got a rescue about a year ago of two females that came with the same cat litter, but I never used it because I was afraid that something could happen to the chins. So I wondered if you think that the chins would be fine with these kinds of pellets as litter for their cages or not,
I would like to know in the case I ever see someone doing that, that I can maybe warn them about it.
Here's a picture of the pellets that I am talking about
I would like to know in the case I ever see someone doing that, that I can maybe warn them about it.
Here's a picture of the pellets that I am talking about