Question about chin diarrhea?

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New member
Mar 19, 2013
So, for the past week, my chilla Tiller has been on metoclopramide, SMZ/TMP suspension, and Oxbow Critical Care for her stasis. Before this, she wasn't really eating or pooping properly on her own.

After a few days she started pooping again just fine and all was starting to look well. Until this morning, when her normal poop was diarrhea. I sent an email to my vet asking her if it could be a possible side effect of the antibiotics and syringe feeding. She says it's possible, but to let her know if I see it continuing.

Does anyone else have any experience with this? I've read some pretty scary stuff on chinchilla diarrhea. I stopped the medication for now to see if anything gets better.
what was the original diagnosis? Did the vet do a fecal smear and culture to find out what bug was causing the infection? Sometimes you need different antibiotics for different bugs.
I wouldn't stop the medication, unless the vet has expressly told you to. Maybe ask the vet about culturing the bug and doing resistance tests, so you know you are using the best antibiotic possible.
Does your vet have chin experience? You might need another opinion