Quality Cages Chinchilla Townhome

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I was wondering if this cage was okay for a single chin? It's what I have for my two boys. I wasn't sure if a cage could be to big. It gives a so much room for my two boys and they love it!
Yep! That's what I have for Einstein. He uses every bit of space in his cage and really seems to love it. :)
For chins I dont know if "too big" is a phrase i would use when referring to their caging! As long as you have plenty of shelving and things in the cage you should be fine!
Plenty of chins have a full double level FN to themselves... which I think is a bit larger than the townhome. Can't have too much space, that's like having too much fun. I'd just make sure as others said that you have plenty of shelves. Wouldn't want a chin to fall from the top to the bottom. Also, how old is the chin it will be for? It was recommended I didn't open up the full FN142 I have for the girls until they were older. Of course, they're only 2 months old currently. I think the main theory there was that they would use up all the energy they could be using to grow playing in a massive cage. As well as the fear that they might hurt themselves if they fell too far.