Quality Cage vs. Ferret Nation...?

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New member
Dec 5, 2011
Going to be buying a new chin cage for my two chins soon, I was looking at the Ferret Nation (http://www.ferretnation.net/ferret-nation-cages/), but am now looking at Quality Cages (http://qualitycage.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=129_142_153&products_id=611) as well.

Any recommendations...? I am drawn to the QC's for the cage guards, because I'm having issues with my chinny peeing wherever he would like and it getting down my walls, floor etc. Is there a company that sells guards compatible for FN cages as well?
The cage guards are completely useless....I had QC's for sometime and there ok...but IMO alot harder for the owner because of the little doors...I love the FN just because its so much easier to clean and grab your chinny when you need to....and the FN's look much nicer and are much more sturdier IMO too..
I use the QC cages (have 7) and I just love them. They are sturdy, well made and come in a few different sizes. My favorite is the Chinchilla Condo. I put pairs and trios in them. The really nice thing is that I can stack them to make a tower, three cages high.
I have a QC townhome and I really like it. I don't think the door is too small at all and it has a top door. Also, the slide out pan makes it fairly easy to clean
You can always put fleece behind the back wall so that the pee doesn't get on the walls, or make shelves with edges. For an FN, you'd need to buy bass equipment pans or have some made to contain pee and poop at the bottom, so keep that in mind as an extra expense.

I feel like I can't tell you which is better because I've never owned a QC, but I can tell you that I think FN's look very nice in a home and they are definitely very easy to clean. You can even move the chins into one half of it while you clean the other half. Also if your chins end up not getting along you can easily divide the cage between them. Good luck making your decision!