QC Pan w/ Chipped Coating.

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My babies Rock!
Jan 31, 2009
Western NY aka: Our Zoo. (We only lack a bird.)
My cages and pans are almost 3 years old now. I'm not sure how one of my little monsters managed it, but somehow they've removed a 3" (roughly) patch of powder coating from the bottom of the pan. I haven't seen any sign of it in droppings and they're both acting normal, so I don't know if they ate it or what. The odd part is that nothing usually sits there, so I don't think it was caused by their hide box or chinchiller digging at the surface either. It's somehow just been chipped away, leaving the aluminum(?) exposed. :tantrum:

Should I dispose of the pan now that the coating is off, or is there a way to reseal or recoat it that's still chin safe? I still have 2 QC co. cages since I have 2 chins, and I'd rather not have to order another pan and pay to have it shipped to Pittsburgh from Portland, but I want to keep two full cages ready at a moment's notice in case there's a fight or a rescue situation comes up. Any suggestions?
I'd call Quality cage, as that usually only happens if the surface hasn't been prepped correctly! If they won't warranty it completely, ask them for a discount on a new one - they're real nice people and easy to get along with!
On the upside most powder coating is non-toxic and safe for them to ingest. I obviously can't guarantee that theirs is, but MOST is so the odds are on your side.
hmmm... let us know what happens! I forsee this happening to my QC pan in the future, so it'll be handy to know what to do in this situation!
Did you ever notice a bubble where it peeled? If so, make sure you mention that to them!
In the powder coating process, the shop is supposed to use a "etching primer" that digs into clean metal, but just a little grease from your fingers will inhibit that!
Then the powder is applied, magnetically, and baked on!
I think it's Linda at Q.C. you'll talk to, and she'll be real interested in this problem, because, as she says, "that's why we're called Quality Cage!"