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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
How long can Pyometra go just being treated with antibiotics? My vet is out as are all the chin vets in the area. I drove 2.5 hour away and realized what am I doing? If it turns out to be pyo I do not want to drive her 2.5 hours after a stressful surgery. My vet who is experience with spaying chins, will be back Monday night. Would it be dangerous to give her antibiotics until Monday if she needs surgery?
pyo is very serious and shouldnt wait. The infection can spread and kill in a matter of days. I would drive and get the surgery asap. The drive doesnt bother chins. They will curl up and sleep most of the way.
I was there, they did an ultrasound and said she doesn't have pyo. This part doesn't make sense to me. I asked if they could check by looking at how much bacteria is in her discharge. I was told no because they always have bacteria in their discharge and the only way to check for pyo was an ultrasound. So, they did the ultrasound and said there was no pyo but prescribed her antibiotic. Upon asking why they prescribed antibiotic if there is no pyo I was told because there is some bacteria in her discharge. But I was just told they always have bacteria in their discharge...
Dr prescribed .15ml twice a day bytril which I declined as I've had bad experience with it. I asked for different antibiotics and was given .3ml twice a day of smz-tmp. Does this sound okay?
Also, she was taking .07ml 3 times a day cisapride which they changed to .2ml twice day. Does this sound okay?
I should add the SMZ-TMZ is susp.200mg/40mg per 5ml and the Cisapride is 5mg/ml
Sounds like you need a different vet. A pyo just means there is an infection. If its severe you can see it on a US but that is not the only way to diagnose a pyo. If you cause the infection early enough and shes open and draining then a smear is the best way to decide if she needs meds. There shouldnt be anything besides a clear discharge for about 2 days with a normal cycle. Anything beyond that or that has a smell is an infection. Even if she is open and draining it can require surgery to fix.
That's what I thought. My vet is out until Monday evening. I went to an animal hospital. I knew it didn't seem right. Even though my vet is back on Monday she doesn't have an opening until 8/10. Should I go in for an emergency Monday night? Should I try to collect some of the discharge in case its gone by then? Is it okay to be given her the medication she was prescribed by this vet?
The medication is the proper one for after the surgery so I would continue with it till your can see your vet. I would wait and see a knowledgeable vet. But if she stops eating, shows any discomfort, looses weight.... those are signs it's an emergency. Make sure she is getting probiotics daily while she is on the meds