PVC Pipe for Chins?

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
Hi guys, I think I have came up with a solution for my boys playtime until I get them some wooden playhouses! Im very excited so I hope this item is chin approved. Thought of PVC pipes that I saw at Lowes. Wondering if this is safe for chins, my boys have been banned from cardboard since they are eaters! lol...dont believe they could make much work on the PVC pipes. Another thing is the hole is 4 inches, is this big enough for chins as well. My boys are 10 months old so they are not babies anymore. Thanks Guys!
PVC is chin-approved. It's generally too hard/thick for them to chew threw. It's also what the fleece tubes are made of on the inside. If you're not going to cover them with fleece, I would probably still keep an eye out just to make sure they're not finding a way to chew it.
Definitely Lirana and thank you!!! I will definitely be watching them, I am on them like a hawk when they are out for playtime anyways. I had bought them a carpet roll that they loved but unfortunately they were eating some small pieces of the cardboard. But do you think the 4 inches of the opening will be big enough for them??
4 inch PVC is fine. They may still try to chew on it, but it is hard and they can only get tiny pieces off of it. If you see a lot of chewing, as with anything, take it away from them.
Thank you cuddlebug...I just had a thought of them getting stuck in the pipe....and I wouldn't be able to get them out where its plastic. This thought alone makes me sick to my stomach. My boys have plump lil bellies, are you sure 4 inches is big enough??
I have a 4" fleece covered PVC pipe for my Andie and I think it is too small. He can barely get his hiney in it! I'm thinking I need to get him a larger 6" pipe. Just wished I could find a place that sold small sections of the 6" pipe so I didn't have to purchase such a long piece:hmm:
Okay and now I seen someone say that pvc pipes contain some type of chemicals that can be absorbed in chins skin and cause cancer and hormonal upsets and all this crazy stuff!!! Im desperate to find my boys a playtime activity but I swear that comment scares me to death!!! Im not sure how accurate that is???? Anyone heard of such??
Most chins end up just leaving the pipe alone. I've never heard or seen a chin get sick or have any problems with using the PVC pipes. Get the largest diameter you can find. I have some here that I have used for years and years. Every now and then I clean them us with vinegar and they are good as new. I don't think that you have too much to worry about them absorbing anything from the PVC through their skin, that doesn't really make that much sense considering that these are used for drinking water and the material is used in all sorts of applications. (What skin would the chins absorb it through? The callouses on their paw pads?)
Yea I thought it sounded kind of strange....this is the only thing I have seen negative about the pipes and this was from someone on chins and hedgies back in 2010. Everything I've been researching sounds very positive about the pvc pipes.