Puppy mills exposed on Animal Planet

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..has a fleece addiction
Jan 28, 2009
Twin Cities, MN
I'm not sure if anyone is interested in watching, but they're showing a special on puppy mills right now on Animal Cops on Animal Planet.

So just thought I'd share in case anyone else wanted to watch!
I saw it. I wish the whole country watched it.

I know, I wish so too, it was great how they showed pet stores carrying puppy mill dogs. And how they can say "We don't buy directly from puppy mills" because technically they don't, they buy from brokers who buy from the puppy mills. I wish every news station would do a piece on puppy mills like they did down in Florida so that more people become aware.
I can't stand watching shows like that. I'm well aware of the puppy mill issue, so watching that does nothing but give me nightmares. Ugh.
I'm with you Peggy. Those stories are just too upsetting for me to watch. I know there are mills, I know what goes on in them, and I don't really want to sit through a whole episode of that cruelty. I can barely stand the aspca commercials that Sara McLachlan is a spokeswoman for. They make me want to cry.
I know it's sad but I do think it's good of them to put something like that on tv. The more people learn about it, the better.
I definitely agree with you Allison, I just personally can't stand watching them. I think the more they expose them, the more people become aware and don't buy from them.
They recently exposed a huge Puppy mill here in Edmonton. Gruesome, gruesome, gruesome. There are in the works right now trying to find good homes for these little guys :( It is so extremely heartbreaking, and needs to be brought to light. So very wrong.

Actually a guy that was redoing our walls after some water damage said he was working out at the place they kept these puppies. He said the stink was so horrid, he would have to step outside every couple of minutes just to catch his breath. It was that bad.