Pumice stone as Lave ledge??

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New member
Jul 30, 2011
Prunedale, Ca
So my girlfriend brought home a Pumice stone last night to clean the BBQ pit last night! Once I seen it I started wondering if it is the same material as a lava ledge?? My local pet store has been out of the ledges for over a week, and the lady said it was basically just a pumice stone!
My girlfriend also said they sell them as foot scrubs for callous feet! (she has straight rhino hoofs! haha lol... dont tell her I said that!) :hilarious:

So the question is... can I just get a pumice stone and attatch it to the cage so he can use it as a ledge??
Thank you for your time, and help!
Yes and no. You want natural pumice which still looks like a whitish rock. The pumice that is sold for beauty reasons is usually bleached and sometimes treated with an antifungal. It is sometimes also painted or dyed with unsafe (for your pet, not yoru feet) dyes. You can find natural pumice online at many or our member's chinchilla stores. You can also usually find it on Ebay.

You want this:

Not this:
I have a related question... Is it safe to leave the pumice stone in the pen for extended periods of time?

My chins have destroyed one and then used the resulting dust (as would normally happen in the wild) to roll around in. I just wanted to make sure that this was okay for them.

and regular dust baths should still be given right?

It is a finer dust, so I would guess it's much better for them and soaks up the oils better.