Protection for walls near cage?

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Jul 10, 2013
I am soon to be a new chin owner, and I'm wondering what anyone's experience is with how messy chins are? I'm sure they'll kick some bedding out, even with the deeper pans, and I'm sure there will be dust, but should I protect the walls next to the chin cage? I'm just wondering how messy they are with possibly kicking poo out and possibly spraying urine?
My little guy flings poop out when he jumps around, but it doesn't mark up the walls since they're just hard little pellets. Since he's male, I don't have to worry about spraying.
I have a ferret nation cage and even with the deeper pans, they get poo EVERYWHERE. It gets back behind and under the cage which makes it difficult to clean. No pee on the walls though. I just used cardboard around the back and sides to keep more of the mess inside. That way I really only need to vacuum and underneath only occasionally.
I got a large sheet of cardboard from the grocery store, it's one that comes on the side or top of a pallet. I folded it so that it's part way under the cage and then against the wall for most of the height of the cage. You can usually ask at the customer service desk or someone stocking in the aisles if they have any to give. It keeps the poops mostly contained and I just vacuum it when I clean cages.
My problem was never with the walls getting to messed up form daily living. It was that when my chins were out to play, they liked to eat the walls ><

So i lined the walls with a long single sheet of fleece.
Thank you for the replies. I think I'll use the fleece first to see how well that works, and if need be I'll go to the cardboard!