proper storage

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Since i discovered i was storing my apple twigs wrong i wanted to check on the best way to keep everything fresh. How should i be storing hay cubes and fresh hay to keep it fresh the longest?
I get a huge bale, and I've always just stored it in an open cardboard box with holes punched in the side of it, and I haven't had any issues.
i also do the box with holes punched in it.
what is the correct way to store twigs? mine are just in the box they they arrived in with the top open???
Stacie do you still keep the hay in the original plastic bag then in the hamper and just leave the bag open? that's a good idea~

Nope, I take it out of the plastic bag and just put it all in the mesh bag. It keeps the hay in very well and that way, all of the hay is exposed to the air..not just the top.
Nope, I take it out of the plastic bag and just put it all in the mesh bag. It keeps the hay in very well and that way, all of the hay is exposed to the air..not just the top.

oh cool, I have an extra one in the house, I'll start to store my hay that way too, thanks. =^_^=
I store my hay in a large box with holes punched in the side.
We have an mesh hamper that's not being used and hasn't been for a while. Mom used to use it to put the clean clothes out of the dryer in, but the frame is plastic so it keep coming a part on her.

I might get some super glue and attach it better and store my hay that way. Save room in the chins closet hehe
I dump mine into a plasic garabage can where it sits for 2 weeks before being completely used up LOL