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New member
Aug 4, 2011
Hey, i have had my chins for a while and might have to move soon so i was wondering how much should i charge for 3 chins, all female ,one white and the other two grey-dark grey, a FN 142 with all accessories included? I'm probably not going to sell them but i wanted to know just in case.
Where are you located?

I think your top priority should be finding them a home with a great person.

No one can tell you what you should charge. I've seen people give setups like that away for free to a good owner and people who've charged $300-ish. It just depends.
I agree with Laura. It should be more about getting a good home for your animals, not getting top dollar for them.
Hmm. Well agreed on the good home part, but all that aside if it were me, depending on how decked out the cage was I would probably want at least $100-150 for it assuming it had several chin safe items in good usable clean condition (Around here the 142 cages with no accessories or just the original stuff and no animals usually go for 80-100).

If the home was good but had money concerns I might leave it at that. If you wanted to price for the chins as well I think asking something like 75$ for all three chins might encourage someone to keep them together. I would want them to stay together so that would be one of my main concerns so if someone wanted to pay less or only pay for the cage items but would keep them together, I would definately consider it. I think getting a decked out cage and three chins for around $225 would be completely reasonable IMO.

That's just the line of thinking I would be doing if it were me. Up to you. Good luck!