pretty sure my chin is pregnant

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
i got her about 2 months ago and shes been getting fatter. shes been sleeping on her side a lot lately and last night i gently put my hand on her stomach and felt something kick me a few times. so now ive been trying to read all the facts and i dont feel prepared at all.. i think im gunna get a syringe and some goats milk just in case. shes in a cage with another female but i dont think im going to leave her in there i need to get another babyproof cage. whats a list of stuff i need to feel a little more prepared??
Your chinchilla should and probably will do everything nessecary except baby proof your cage. Although it is good to be prepared for the worst. Good luck!
Congrats! Sounds like there are some babies on the way =) Maybe prep the cage with some bedding, kits can lose body heat more easily than adults...
Read through the FAQ at the top of this section - you can also read through some threads in this section as there are lots of threads like this with advice.

Babyproofing the cage and having an emergency vet on hand is the best way to prepare.
i think my biggest question is should i keep her in the cage she is in with the other female or should i move her in to a new babysafe cage? and about how close is she to having them if you can feel them kicking. im guessing a month or less cause ive only had her 2 months so she must of gotten pregnant before i got her.
i think my biggest question is should i keep her in the cage she is in with the other female or should i move her in to a new babysafe cage? and about how close is she to having them if you can feel them kicking. im guessing a month or less cause ive only had her 2 months so she must of gotten pregnant before i got her.

correct me if im wrong but it might be safer to take the other female out of the cage. As long as the cage is babysafe it doesnt matter which one she remains in as long as there is no threat to her and her baby's lives.
I've heard that other females are actually very good at helping the mother after she has kits and unless if you see any aggression towards each other, you should be fine. However, you should contact an experienced breeder just to be safe.
Is the cage she's in kits safe (1 in. x 1/2 in wire spacing and short so if the kits climb the cage wall and fall they won't get hurt)? If so, I would just leave her there. As far as the other female goes, there are a few people on here who have left females in a colony to birth and raise their young without problems. Just be aware that occasionally, a female will try to kill another female's kits.
the cage isnt baby proof is 7/8 spacing. im nervous for the other female to be in there cause she gets really jealous when i give the mom any attention and steal all the wood and loofahs from her too.
I would separate the females to be safe. It only takes a second for injury to occur. You can't watch them 24/7 to see how the female fits in after kits are born. Some girls do very well together and help each other. Others don't do as well and sometimes there is loss of life. Why take a chance?