Preparing Loofah

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If i get a loofah plant, how long do i wait to pick the loofah off? Also how am i supposed to prepare it? Also completely off topic but rose hips grow on every rose plant right?

Also what types of grapes are good for grape vines for chinchilla chews? And does anyone know a site where i can get seeds for grapes(with good grape vines for chinchillas), roses(with good rosehips), and loofah, i just want a site that sells seeds for all those pretty inexpensive... Thanks!
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Honestly, I think it'd be easiest to just buy the loofah already prepared. Because the loofah grows like a gourd and so when you harvest it, you have to take all the skin off to just get the inside stringy part. Then you have to dry it out. I guess maybe some people would enjoy that, but I think it's just easy enough to buy it already prepared..
Im not a big spender and summer is coming up so i will have tons of time and not know what to do with it lol
i dont know if the roses do produce hips but they should, we have wild roses (iowa state flower) in my parents yard in iowa and they produce rose hips every fall.
the grapes, i'm not sure which kind but this site seems to have a variety.



On the above post, does anyone know if the roses listed will make rose hips? Also which of those grape vines has good grapevine chews for a chin?
For the grapevine, if you're planting from a seed it's going to be years before you can really harvest much off of it..

For rosehips, almost all rose bushes should produce a hip. And again if you're planting from seed it's going to be a while before you really get much off of the plant. From everything I've read they suggest that the Rugosa rose has the best tasting hip for humans I guess.
I think someone will ship me seeds for the loofah, do you think a local nursey will carry that rose and grape vines?