Prayers & Good thoughts/vibes needed

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
I dont really come on here and post personal family business but I really need to ask for some prayers(to whomever you pray to) and good thoughts for my cousin. We havent been in contact in YEARS and we reconnected at my abuela's 75th birthday.

Well, I found out last night that my cousin who is only 41 years old has stage 1 breast cancer. She has been keeping it a secret from the family until she had all the answers herself.

From what I understand from what was told to me, she got hit in the breast while rough-housing with one of her sons. It hurt so bad she started rubbing it and that's when she accidentally found a lump. She went to the doctor and they actually found two lumps.

She is going to have a double mastectomy sometime in the beginning of July. So I am asking that we send thoughts and prayers to my cousin Carmen.
Oh wow, at least they caught it early and I am sure she has a positive prognosis. Her outlook will determine her outcome. Sending positive vibes!
Thank God she found the lump. Keeping her in my thoughts Mel.
Dear Mel, I will certainly pray for Carmen. I will also light a special candle for her.
Hi Mel. My grandmother is also battling this and will have surgery the 26th of this month. I will pray for your cousin and your family as well!
I am so sorry to hear that. She will be in my prayers. Darn cancer makes me so mad. What a horrible disease.
Melissa, you and Carmen will be in my thoughts and prayers. If you have any questions you'd like to ask me but are afraid, please don't be. I'm never afraid to talk breast cancer and it's treatments.