Post op care

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Portland, OR
I'm having my boy neutered next week. Absolutely terrified but our vet is really up on things and I have confidence. (He answered all the questions from chincare perfectly!) But the risk scares me.

Anyway! I've been reading this and going over their checklist:

Obviously I want my little guy to be as comfortable as possible and recover well. From searches I saw there are several here with neutered males. Any advice beyond the checklist at chincare? What complications did you come across?

We have a small one story cage for him and I'll have to remove his house. And I'll have to remove him from being next to the girl.

This is what we have on the checklist so far:
1. Move him to another room away from us and the girl with a laptop showing something to keep him occupied during the night when he's most active and maybe music at night?

2. Cover it with a sheet and line with an old white t-shirt, change out every day. (Thankfully I was Medusa for Halloween! Plenty of white sheets around...)

3. Buy some unscented Neosporin

4. Hand dustbaths every other day

5. Hydrogen peroxide to flush the wound just in case

6. Try hand feeding him next week just to say how it goes and get used to him. (Syringe? Where do you get them from? We have some fleece for holding him.)

Anything I'm missing? What did you come across?

Thank you!